Part 4 - Baz & Simon

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I got my first drawing when I was 5. It was a little smiley face on my right ankle. I ran to my mum and showed her, asking what I was and why it was there, and she explained the inkshare in between soulmates. I completely blew my shit. This was the coolest thing ever to me, and I spent the whole afternoon drawing on my arm just for the pleasure of girl (at least that's what my still straight mind thought) somewhere in the world.  Over the years, I would still get little doodles on my arms, but the concept lost its glamour quickly when I learned that the magic wasn't going to let me actually talk to my soulmate.

"it's not faaaaaaaaaaaair, penny!" I say to my best friend. "How the Hell am I supposed to find this bloody soulmate, if I cant even fucking right my name on my arm? Whaf if we pass each other in the street, and I have no goddamn clue who the good fuck it is, because of some stuPID ANCIENT MAGIC?". She rolls her eyes at me, even though I can tell she agrees that it's a good question. "Just sign your hand" she says "that way, if you see some guy with your signature on your hand walking down the street, you'll know it's your true love or whatever." I realize that that's actually not a bad idea (real surprise, penelope fucking bunce had a good idea) "can I borrow a sharpie? I ask.

The signature first appeared on my hand about 2 months ago. At first, I thought it was a tattoo, as it never seemed to go away. I realized a little while later though, that it fades in and out of strength. Sometimes it even changes colour. I traced the signature. I learned it as well as my own. I traced the boys soft writing right before I went to bed, and right when I woke up. And when my mom told me that we were moving, the little black letters on my hand were the only things that kept me calm when I got scared about leaving my entire life behind.

"There's a new kid coming" Penny says to me "Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, but he prefers baz apparently". The name feels familiar to me. Like a friend you made at the park when you were 5, but never saw again. "He starts in 2 weeks" she says. 2 weeks I'm going to spend agonizing over the name of some guy I've probably never even heard of before.

Moving weekend was a bitch. My parents refused to pay for a moving van, so we had to call up about 7 relatives and family freinds just to find someone that would help us. When I had finally settled in to my still heavily packed up room on Sunday night, my mum came up the stairs and handed me a few papers " this is all school stuff, love" she said "you should probably go to bed soon, your first day is tomorrow. "

Monday is mildly hectic. Everyone is trying to get a look athe the new kid, and insted of staying shy, keeping his head down and inoring it, he puts it up like he knows it. Like he loves it. I want to be annoyed with him, I really do, but I can't help but notice that he's fucking gorgeous. He's sexy in literally every way. But the best part about him is what I noticed I class the other day when he brushed his ridiculously beautiful hair out of is face.

My signature is on his left hand.

I don't actually mind this town. Actually, no. Nevermind. Fuck this town. But the blond curls and tawny skin littered with moles on the boy that come with it? Lets just say that's not exactly an issue. And he doesn't seem to think I'm a bad addition to this shithole either, judging by the fact that he spends every class gawking at me. I'm also pretty sure he's gay. Actually, it would be odd if he wasn't,  considering the girl I thought was his girlfriend wrote "flamingly gay" on a sticky note and stuck it to his forehead while the both laughed their asses off during study hall the other day. And just when I thought that the voice in my head telling me to go and tell this boy that I love him couldn't get any stronger, I noticed something.

There was a signature I knew as well as my own on his left hand

I was frustrated as hell. I had  fuckton of work to do, and I just had had no time to stop and take a breath lately. Also, all my staring at baz had finally caught up to me, and I was lost in every class we had together. I asked the teacher if I could go to the washroom, and went and just sat on the windowsill. I was just beginning to clear my mind, when the door opened to let in none other than baz pitch. I quickly hopped down and started to rush out the door, when he grabbed me by the wrist. "Simon" he said "wait, I need to talk to you". I didn't know what he wanted to talk about,  but he could honestly strike up a conversation about being buried alive and I would hang off of his every word.

He doesn't seem to be telling me to fuck off, so I put his right hand down gently and pick up his left, rolling down the sleeve the reveal the signature on his hand. I bring my hand up to his, putting them side by side I look up at him, and he's smiling, and I'm smiling, and then no one is smiling anymore because we're kissing so hard that there isn't room.

I have no idea who started the kissing, but I honestly don't give a damn as long as it doesn't stop. I push my fingers in to his hair, and he starts kissing down my jaw and neck. He bites softly down on my collarbone, sending a shiver down my body. "Baz" I moan, as he snakes a hand up my shirt. It feels so good, but he thought occurs to me that anyone could walk in at any moment, and I pull us into the closest stall. He stops for a second, and I worry that I've ruined it, but he just slams me into the door with more brute passion than ever. He pulls my shirt off over my head and begins planting kisses down my chest. "Baz" I say " I think I love you". "Simon" he says "I know I love you".

We walk out of the bathroom with the final bell, holding hands and looking at each other like extra special idiots. Simons friend (I think her name is penny) runs up to him, holding both of their stuff. Once he has his bag over his shoulder,  she flicks him on the forehead. "Where were you? What the fuck took so long?". Simon smiles at her and holds up our still joined hands. "Oh" she says "oh, ooooooooooooooooh". She turns to me "if you so much as make him frown, I swear to god I will fuck you up to the point of no return, just fucking try me."  She turns to simon and gives him a half hug "I'm glad you stopped being a pussy and went for it" she says to him. She smiles at us and scurries off to wherever she spends her time as simon turns and gives me this look of what I can only describe as love. I lean down to kiss his head, and somehow I know that I'm never going to have to worry about having penny come after me.

A/N: think of this one as a taste of the next thing I'm writing, a normal highschool au with a more structured plot!

I'm writing this at 3 am, so if you find any errors, don't worry as I'll fix them in the morning when I'm not (as) sleep deprived.

Finally, I'm taking REQUESTS! I'll still keep writing,  so don't think that I'm gonna abandon this just bc I'm not getting requests, but sending in even just a small prompt will help a lot with more frequent updates.

Pace for now :)

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