Chapter 1

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Image isnt mine nor video. Enjoy 💗
"He is perfect." The creator of all dolls finally made the perfect masterpiece. He took a step back and admired his work. The boy in front of him had blonde, golden hair, the perfect blue eyes that can make the ocean jealous, a tanned color to his body, and three kind of whiskers on each cheek. The creator danced happily. The final touch was to bring him to life. He looked through his book to find something that he can use. Let me tell you this creator wasnt ordinary,  in each doll he made them a personality by using a book that holds spells but never brings them to life. He finally found one and read the rules. 1) He will be 6 years old and start to grow. 2) He cant fall in love if he does-the creator couldnt read the rest but it didnt matter the boy will have to do as said to him. The creator said the words that were in the book. "Bring the soul of the best and sweetest. You will be a one of a kind. Your body will be alive and you will age with pride."  The doll slowly started to be able to move. The body parts became more real and finally the boy was sitting confused but knew right away where he was. "Hello master." The creator gasped. His voice was as soft as silk. He smiled happily and took the boys hands in his. "Listen my boy im no master just call me Jiraya. Now i need you to follow some rules ok." The boy nodded. "Alright first off you will always be nice no matter what, always be good, and most importantly dont ever fall in love." The boy who was 6 years old nodded. Jiraya smiled and stood up. "Hmm what should we call you." Jiraya thought long and hard. The boy sitting and swinging his legs while giggling. Jiraya thought about the only thing that came to mind. Since he was hungry he named him, "Naruto that is your name." The boy looked up and smiled he loved it. Jiraya was happy he didnt know it was a kind of food. "Come lets practice with your walking and manners." Naruto nodded happily and slowly got off the table. He stood up and started to walk little by little with Jiraya's help. They both went upstairs and out of the basement where Jiraya worked. As soon as they did naruto began to walk by himself looking like a 1 year old. Later he began walking normally. Day and night they practiced with manners and learning skills. Days turned to weeks. Weeks to months. Months to years.

Now naruto is 15.

*No pov* Jiraya went upstairs to a spare room to see naruto sleeping soundly. Jiraya was very happy that his creation was perfect. The reason he decided to do this was because back then he had a student who was no troublemaker and was blonde aswell. Jiraya loved him as his own son but the boy passed away at age 18 due to a lung cancer that ended up spreading rapidly. Jiraya was very depressed thats why he decided to do this. He loved naruto as much as he did with Minato Namikaze. "NARUTO!!!" The boy jumped up and gripped the blanket. "I DIDNT DO IT!!" he yelled. "Sorry wanted to yell for once." Naruto looked at jiraya and glared. "Whats this about you didnt do anything?" questioned jiraya. Naruto smiled nervously. "Hehe i might or might not accidentally spill coffee on your computer." Jiraya gasped. "Naruto you know i use that for important information." Naruto rolled his eyes and laughed. "Yeah about women and more stuff." Jiraya rubbed his neck. Jiraya decided it would be good to make naruto have a fun personality aswell. But clearly he was a troublemaker. Tho jiraya didnt mind. He knew when he took anything too far and naruto would always apologize. "Well how about we go to a cafe. They have great snacks and coffee." Naruto nodded happily looking like a 3 year old and jumped off his bed quickly into the shower.

*Naruto's pov* Cafe im coming. I quickly stripped out my pajamas and hopped into the shower. As i washed my arms and legs then hair i felt something on my neck. I finished my shower and looked in the mirror. It was a stitch scar. I forget i even have that. I shrugged it off and changed into any clothes i found in my drawer. I dried my hair and went out down to the kitchen. "Jiraya lets go." I saw him come in and grabs his keys where he always leaves them. "Lets g- wait is that the scar." I nodded and he sighed. "Im really sorry about that. I thought I covered it up when i built you." I smiled. "Its ok I like it I think it looks cool." Jiraya laughed. "Well if you say so come on." I giggled and walked outside to the car. It was kinda difficult to blend in with people since i was still confused on some things. We drove to a small cafe and parked right in front of it. "Konoha's cafe this place is amazing." Jiraya said while sighing happily. I just smiled as well and we walked in with the smell of chocolate. "Welcome." I turned around and my heart stopped for a little.

*Sasuke's pov* I heard the bell and went to the counter. "Welcome." A blonde guy turned around and stared for a little and I gasped. He was beautiful. "Um can I take your order." The guy with white hair glared at me for a little but his expression soften afterwards. Weird. "Yes first naruto how about you go sit down." Naruto??? A kind of food well thats intresting yet cute. I smiled and he smiled back. The guy cleared his throat and grabbed my attention. "Let me have a vanilla latte and caramel coffee please." I wrote down the order. "Is that all?" He nodded. "Ok whats the size of cups you would like?" He thought for a second. "The latte medium and the caramel let me have a large." I nodded and wrote it down. I would glance up to this naruto. He is very cute. "That'll be 6.75." The guy nodded and handed a 10 dollar bill. I opened the cashier and handed him his change. "Name please." He put his money in his pocket and looked up. "Jiraya." I wrote it down and smiled. "Your order will be ready soon." He nodded and went to sit with the cute blonde. So heres my story in why he is cute. First im very gay and open about it. Second that boy is adorable and hot. I blushed and went to give Sakura the order. "Omg sasuke your blushing. The sasuke is blushing." I glared at her but she just giggled. "I saw him too but be careful." I stared at her confused. "Why?" I asked.
She sighed. "People say hes different. Like he isnt human." I laughed and stared at her as if she was crazy. "He isnt a doll now is he?" I said jokingly. She just stayed quiet. "Whatever get those ready their waiting." Thats impossible. Him a doll.

*Naruto's pov* My chest was thumping loud. He was very attractive. Something about him catches my attention. I saw him come with our drinks. "Here you go." I smiled and blushed slightly. "Thanks." I said. He smiled and left. "Hey Jiraya-" before I could say anything he spoke first. "Forget it naruto you cant fall in love remember so dont catch feelings for him." I sighed knowing that already. "I know but dont you think i should have someone." He looked at me and smiled sadly. "I know naruto but the consequences is something i dont know when you fall in love." I drank my coffee and stared one more time. His skin is pale but looked great on him with his coal black eyes, sweet smile, and his black hair shaped as a duckbutt. I giggled. Butt. Ha. Anyways he was hot. Ive never felt like this for no one and honestly if I knew the consequences I would take them. I want love even if im 15 i want to feel it and share it. But I cant. Sadly.
Chapter 1 completed. I hope you enjoyed it. I wanna say thanks for everything and sorry about any mistakes in here. Ill update as fast and early as I can. I love you all my lovely ❄. Jana!!! 💗

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