Nothing Special but...

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Korang nak mntk tlong bleh? Sblum tu korang knal group in2it? X mntk bnyak just klau ad free times bleh tlong promote kan showcase dorang , and be honest nie dorang pnya ticket not sell that well, maybe sbb showcase tba2 and after w1 concert so rm...

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Korang nak mntk tlong bleh? Sblum tu korang knal group in2it? X mntk bnyak just klau ad free times bleh tlong promote kan showcase dorang , and be honest nie dorang pnya ticket not sell that well, maybe sbb showcase tba2 and after w1 concert so rmai dh fan yg x ckup duit and x tau dorang nak dtng..setiap hri bla dorang wat live dorang mention psai showcase dorang excited sgat nk dtng. Please klau ad free tlong promote dorang maybe just to show support untk first Malaysian idol. Isaac pon excited gla dpat blk Malaysia and buat showcase kat sni and jga dh ad plan utk members, like knal kan mkanan Malaysia to them...

Korang kesian kan la Issac.. Dia excited nak pegi malaysia tapi.. Fans mesti x ramai yg pegi showcase tu.. 😞😞

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