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I awake amongst red. My breath comes in short gasps. I try to sit up; to call for someone, but I am pinned under some thick steel bars and my vocal cords don't seem to work. I lay for what seems like an eternity, not knowing if hours, days, or weeks have passed. I struggle to escape the confines of the oppressive hand crushing my weak and fragile body that lays in the wreckage. I finally manage to croak out one word: "Help!" I find no answer in the darkness. All in one moment three things happen. The dreaded hand recedes and then disappears removed by a shifting of the ship, a gateway opens and I squint my eyes, and I feel strength returning to my body. I manage to get to my feet, find my footing and stumble out of the plane wreck. I go to the light.

Aftermath: A Hunger Ganes storyWhere stories live. Discover now