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*super quick little psa but I'm going to refrain from using korean words in this since that just a little cringe to me, however whenever I do use them for things such as titles, places, etc I'll write them in the korean alphabet and put the romanisation in brackets next to the word for those of you who can't read korean!

"Okay girls, you go out in 5. The boys will be on the table with you and you know how the rest goes. Fighting!" Our manager, Seo Jin, smiled and gave us the thumbs up.

"Okay. Thank you!" We all bowed and waved him off as he went back out to the room where fans were already gathered in the thousands to meet their favourite idols.

"You know what's funny?" The main rapper of the group, Kim Choo, said as she sat cross-legged on the sofa of our dressing room.

"What?" I replied.

"None of our groups even have the amount of members as our names say." She laughed to herself, referring to the fact Seventeen had 13 members, not 17, and us having only 5, not 13.

Very funny Choo..
She's the 'dad' of our group.
Always telling bad jokes and giving us advice.

"Oh man, this is gonna be a long day." Min Nina, the other visual and sub-vocal, sighed and flashed a smile at Choo.

I laughed at the two for a moment before our manger walked back in and signalled for us to head down to the room where we would soon greet a large number of fans.


We smoothed out our skirts and shirts before walking into the large room with bright smiles and waving.
The room automatically filled with screams and claps and I was in euphoria. I love my job, even though it definitely can be difficult at times.

The 5 of us took our seats and watched as the screams grew even louder as Seventeen walked into the room and filled the seats next to us. Since I was at the side where the two tables met I was sitting closest to one of the members. Verkwan? Vin? V-? Something like that. I mean, I felt bad for not knowing his name but I'm really terrible at remembering names.
However, we sat a little further apart to try and appease the fans as we didn't want rumours or such that fans like to create.

"Hi!" I smiled brightly as I was approached by the first fan. She was really pretty!
"What's your name?"

"I'm Jihye!" She beamed. She looked to be only around 13-14.

"What's your favourite Thirteen song?" I said in a happy voice.

"Ahh! That's so hard to choose. At the moment it's probably 'Back 2 U' or 'Runaway!'"

"Back 2 U and runaway are my favourites too!" I beamed and grabbed her hands and held them as she blushed. Awe.

We talked for a little longer, and I signed an album for her, before she moved onto Seventeen. I went to put the gift she gave me on the floor beside me so it didn't get wrecked, when I locked eyes for a split second with the member I was sitting next to.

Vernon? Ah yes! That's his name!

I gave him a small smile which he totally seemed to blow off. But I shrugged and continued with the fan meeting.

Next up was a fanboy who actually was rather handsome.

"Hello!" He said nervously and knelt down in front of me.

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