Drumsets and Drops?

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Brendon's POV

So I'm on the highway zooming down it at a speed that i can't see because i don't have my glasses on when J see i'm about to miss my exit so I sharply cut in front of a giant truck that says WalMart on it and i go off my exit. i hear many people honk at me but i ignore them


I wonder who sings ghat but j i ignore it and continue driving to the recording studio then i'm going to. b

5 minutes later

I take a sharp right on PlusheeCat Road  and I hear people beep at me but I roll my eyes and ignore it. i'm just a 17 yr old guy what do they expect!

So I pull into a parking lot without realizing that there is a curb and a stop sign at a corner so i finally see it once it's too late so i whisper "fuck" and I take the sharpest, most funnest turn i've ever done! I go over the curb and then i am in the parking lot to the recording studio. 

I look for spencer, brent, or ryan's car at first but i don't see them so i just cut in front of a woman in a grey Toyota mini van that has her daughter in the front and one in the back with her and I steal her parking spot in the front row. She looks like she was about to curse at me but she holds herself back from doing it because she has her children in the car

So I get out of my red Lamborghini that used to belong to my dead cousin but now I have it and shut the front door before going into the backseat and getting my microphone and it's stand. I don't have much to carry that's why i said i would help Ryan carry his guitar and his song writing/poem book and I would help Spencer with his drums and Brent with his bass but idk where they are soo.m....

I shut the back door and press the "lock" button on my car and trot over to the crosswalk that there is. I don't look either way before crossing (heck, I don't even stop😂) and then I start walking across the crosswalk and I hear a beep and I look up to see a red cadillac with orange flames on the side honking at me! i look at the car and see a man with long black hair and pale skin flipping me off. I am not shocked because this happens a lot so I just do what Ryan tells me not to do and I flip him off too and scurry on inside.

Once I get inside I see nobody at the front desk so I pick up the list of names of people who r signed in and look for Ryan, Brent, and Spencer's names.I search for around 5 minutes until a woman comes out from the back room and sits down at the chair that is conveniently placed at the desk. She clears her throat and i look up

"Are you looking for somebody?" she asks. "yeah Im looking for my band mates but I haven't seen them yet." I say. "Oh well are their names on the list?" she asks. I shrug and say "Oh I don't know, I can't read the list without my glasses."

She laughs and takes the list. "Alright what are their names?" She asks. I look up at her for the first time and God is she hot! "Uh.their names are uhh...B-Brent Wilson, Spencer Smith, and Ryan Ross." I say.

She says "Looks like they're not here yet." and puts the list down. That's odd, because I know I'm at least 30 minutes late to meet them here so I don't get why I'm here before them !

"Are you sure you have the right place?" she asks. I nod my head and pull out my newest flip phone "Yeah Ryan sent me this address and he is like,never wrong so..." I say. I call Ryan to see what the fuck is going on when I hear the bell that rings everytime somebody walks in and I hear a lot of people groaning. I turn around and see Ryan, Spencer, and Brent standing there with their heavy instruments.Then I press cancel on calling Ryan.

Panic at the disco's first time at the recording studio but mcr had to ruin it!Where stories live. Discover now