Chapter3 i think

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"What?" isay. The computer must be broken because ryan wouldn't lie to me like that!!!😼🤲🏻

" don't have an appointment booked. Sorry" the lady, who has a nametag that says Chelsey, says.

Ryan comes up behind me and says "what's going on is everything ok" and I don't know what to say. Should i tell him? should i Not? Why didn't he book it? Are we gonna have to carry the drums back out again because i swear to G-

"Um well it says you didn't book a slot here.." Chelsey says to Ryan. He slowly turns to me and says "brendon...."

"What?" I say. What the fuck didi do this time??i get in trouble for literllay nothing! it's not my fault he didn't book it!

"I told you to book the appointment.rember? I had to go to my cousin's funeral?" Ryan says. He neve-

OHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!!! I forgot about that......

"Ohhh yeah! My bad." I say as nicely as possible because i don't want ryan to think i'm a doofus. 🤗

Ryan sighs and says "can we just have a room? isn't there any empty ones?" and Chelsey says "Umm..I don't think so but let me see." and turns back to her crusty computer.

We wait a few minutes that feels like hours because I am impatient and really just want to sing and get ryan's guitar off of me but i guess i kinda brought this upon myself so.

"Um, well theere is a spot open today for 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm but thne affter that a band called 5 seconds of summer needs to use it." Chelsey finally says. Fuck that 5 seconds of bummer, therye gonna get famisbefore us! 

so i loook over to ryan who looks to me. uh oH! is he mad? what shoudl i do? 

"I'm gonan go buy some beer from next dooro..." i say, walking away slowly because i dont wanna make big choices like this so i leave it to ryro-bean. but before i csn run, ryan turns around ans says "NO! please dont go brendo, i need you here!'' 

i sigh and turn around and say "fine. whatever i guess just book us it." and Chelsey firmly says "OK" and types something on her crusty ass old computer then says "done! you boysare free to go to studio room 2-A! enjoy your stay." and hands brent (who was apparently standing behing ryan🐒 ) a key and ryan says thanks and we walk away from the counter. by the Long Ass time that took, TWO bands were behing us! HAHAH suckers they had to wait!😂😂

after that I trot over to where the police men and one woman had spencer and he looked very relaxed. Ryan and brent where right behind me to.

"hey how is he doing??" Bren t asks. The woman officer with giant..

..eyebrows walks up to us and says "Well, he was very mad at whoever this ryan douchebag is,so we simply gave him some cannabis to calm him down." and Ryan looks shocked. 

"WHAT!?" he says very loudly. A band with a female with orange bright hair and two aveage men look over at us and brent turns to them and says "Piss off we are havong a wonky day.." and they walk to their room. people r so nosey these days!👃

I turn to the officer and say to  her "Can ihave the rest of the weed?" and she opens her big lips and says "Sor-" but i cut her off and say "please?" but she doesn't change her police-like mind and says "I said NO sir! Now if you buttheads would move, I have another case down at the public highscool." she barges past us and walks out the doro and the two dude officers follow her rude ass.

"heeeyyyy guyyyssss wassupp??" Spencer says. he is lucky!he got to get high todaY!!!!!!!!!!!IWANT WE-

"Spencer we are gonna record come on." brent says and picks spencer up and spencer says "ok" and Ryan turns to me and says "Today has been kinda weird.." and I slap him on the back of his head and say "NO SHIT! We probably barley have any tome before 5 seconds of vomit comes in so lets go dingbat>" and we go marching down the hall..

Hey guys thanks for one new read please share with family friends and strangers also this chapter was written 3 months ago i just never published it so ye also happy bday brendon j. junior

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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Panic at the disco's first time at the recording studio but mcr had to ruin it!Where stories live. Discover now