Get Out Of My Mind

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It's been almost three years since   dipper and mabrl left Gravity Falls and dipper thinks somthing is missing. "Dipper come here!!" Mable said screeming as if they were a thousend miles apart. "Comeing Mable!"

mabel had something so important to tell Dipper and it will blow his socks off. "Dipper guess what." she said so excitedly."What?". "We're moving back to Gravity Falls!!"

2 weeks Later

We finally made it to Gravity Falls and all there stuff is unpacked, sudenly dipper heard constant laughing "Hey Pine Tree!" Oh no that can't be Bill he thought "Remember when you were my puppet?" he didn't want to answer but he did anyway. "Yes.". "Well you know how I said that the deal only last for a day?" "Yes?" "Well I lied it lasts forever and so now your my puppet again!!" "Wait what?!!?"

"Ahh it feels so good to be back in a human body. So what fun are we gonna have this time pine tree?" "SERIOUSLY BILL!!! I dont have time for this and stop puting forks in my arm!!!" "Oh pine tree if only you knew but i only need your body fo a couple of hours." he was accualy telling the truth this time. He needed his body so he can do a spell and only a human can do it

Why does bill need my body I mean why me why can't it be Giddeon or someone else WHY ME!!!! dipper thought "Oh and pine tree I picked you because your my favorite." How did he know I was- "I knew what you were thinking because I can read minds, remember?" AHG get out of my body you one eyed creep!!

A few hours later

"Finally I can do this spell, I'v been waiting all day and now i finally can do it."

Done, now I dont need pine tree's body anymore

5 days later

"PINE TREE!!! I have a suprise for you "AHHHHG Bill your human and you so!"- dipper stoped himself from saying what he was about to say but he knew bill could hear it in my mind but he had so many questoins but my main one was why he was so interested in him.

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