Telling Him Your Pregnant {Calum & Luke}

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Telling him your pregnant


'Mum, how am I ment to tell him?' You ask you Mum whilst sipping your cup of tea

'Just tell him bluntly! But not whilst he is eating never ends well' you mums sighs

'What do you mean?' You ask taking another sip

'Well when I told your father he started chocking on his chicken' you mum chuckles

'Oh well best not do it while we are eating then!' You laugh

'Best not' your mum replies

'What if he doesn't want to keep it?' You say looking down at your mug

'Dont think like that y/n! Of course he'll want to keep it! Calum is a good lad!' You mum says shocked

'I hope you' you sigh

Just then Calum walks into the room

'Hey y/n are you ok? You look a bit peaky?' Calum says placing his hand on your forehead

'Yeah I'm fine calum, I need to tell you something' you state

'Erm ok?' Calum says brushing his fingers through his hair

'Its just that..well..'you stutter

'Just tell me y/n' Calum say getting restless

'Im pregnant..' You say waiting for Calum's response

'Omg y/n that fantastic!' Calum cheers

'What?' You say startled

'I can't wait to be a daddy!' Calum says dancing

'I told you he'd want it' you mum chuckles

'Oh babe, you weren't worrying about my reaction were you?' Calum says

'Just a bit' you sigh

'Awh babe I love you so much, and this little one' he says placing his hand on your stomach 'we are going to be a proper little family' he smiles


'Babe wanna watch a movie?' You ask your boyfriend luke

'Yeah sure, what should we watch?' He asks sitting on the sofa next to you

'How about ern what to expect when expecting?' You smile

'Yes phew it thought you'd pick Mean Girls again!' He winks

'Oh shut up that your fave film not mine!' You chuckle

You both sit and watch the film and laugh at a few of the quotes such as

'There's no such thing as ready. You just jump on a moving train and you try not to die.'

'If I knew I'd have a rack like this gorgeous, I would've gotten knocked up years ago.'

After the film had finished you turned to luke

'Luke how would you feel about being a dad?' You ask

'After watching that not much' he chuckles

'Oh' you sigh

'Why'd you ask?' He says confused

'Because I'm pregnant luke' you say turning away from him in shame

'Awh babe that great new' luke says hugging you from behind

'Are you sure?' You ask

'Im sure babe' he says

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