Jing & Luke

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This is for @AhhJingg on twitter.
Jing asked for an imagine of her first meeting Luke, and I instantly thought omg let's make them meet at Starbucks but nah nah nah I wanna spice this up. Let's make them meet as a recording studio. Exciting right? Probably not but oh well!


It was my first day at my new job and I wasn't scared at all, I woke up and turned my phone on, and checked twitter, I sent Ashton Irwin a quick dm, yes Ashton follows me, look at my follow and weep!
I went to my music and stuck on the 5SOS album and started getting dressed, my new job is at a recording studio, so I decided to put on a band tee, I chose to stick to today's theme and put my 5SOS tee on and some skinny jean, blue ones. Black is so overrated.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone off the stand, I'll grab some breakfast at work, I am the tea/coffee lady so I will have unlimited access to the biscuit tin.

I walked to the recording studio as it was only 5 minutes away and walked through the revolving door.
I went to the main office and took the drink order and walked to the kitchen.

Hmm? There's 4 extra drinks on this list? Maybe there's been a mix up I thought. Never the less I made the amount listed and put them onto my trolley, I dropped the drinks off at their designated area and took the last 4 to recording booth number 4.

When I walked in I almost chocked.
Stood before me were 4 Australians.
Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke.
It was 5 Seconds Of Summer.

'Nice top' winked Ashton

Fuck Jing, wear your 5sos top today why don't you!

'Yeah their pretty cool I guess' shrugged Michael

'Your band sucks' laughed Luke and they old joke he used to tell

'Whats your name sugar muffin' asked Calum

'Hi I'm Jing, and don't worry I know who you are obviously' I replied pointing at my shirt

'Your a fan?' Asked luke

'No I'm in the Fam.' I replied feeling insulted

'Your pretty' blurted out Luke

'Your cute' I replied

'I think these two need some alone time' winked Ashton grabbing his drink and leaving the room, followed by Michael and Calum.

I was left alone with Luke Hemmings, basically my crush, he doesn't even know it.

'So tell me about yourself' he smiled patting the empty space beside him

I sat down and proceeded to tell Luke my life story. When I'd done, Luke just at smiling.

'Your so cool!' I cheered like a little kid

'Thanks I guess' I smiled

'I'd like to get to know you even more, maybe, we, should er, go on a date?' Luke mumbled

'Sure, that would be nice' I smiled

'Really!' Luke said shocked

'Yes really' I chuckled and Luke pulled me into a huge hug

I can't wait for out date!

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