The Queen of Hearts

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"Tomato you shouldn't be going down this path," Subaru warned Yume as she kept walking.

"You said you wouldn't take me to Ice Flower so I'll get there myself," Yume replied with a huff "And my name isn't Tomato,"

"That may be so, Not-Tomato," said Asahi "But you still shouldn't go this way,"

"I can go wherever I want," said Yume "And I want to go home,"

"But you're going the wrong way!" The two said in unison

They grabbed her hand.

"Hey!" Yume cried

"Don't go that way!" Asahi begged

"Let go!" Yume pulled her arm away from the two mad boys but lost her balance and fell thru some hedges and on the other side of a rose bush. "Ow,"

"What is this?" boomed a voice

Yume looked up and saw a woman wearing red, black, and white. She didn't look happy. "I'm sorry," said Yume "Were these your roses?"

"OF COURSE THEY WERE MINE!" The lady yelled "And you just ruined a good section of them!" Yume looked down a the hole she created, she could see Subaru and Asahi running away.

"Cowards," she muttered


"Forget it,"

"How dare you speak to the queen like that," said a familiar

"Ichigo?" said Yume

Ichigo hiccuped "You know her?" the lady asked

"Not exactly," said Ichigo "She's not from around here, your highness,"

"Not from around here?" the lady turned to Yume "Do you have any idea who I am,"

"No, actually," Yume admitted

"Well I am Mizuki, Queen of Hearts!" she exclaimed "Now who are you?"

"Yume," Yume answered

Mizuki huffed "And where are you from, Yume?"

"Kira Kira City,"

"Well, Yume of Kira Kira City, I sentence you to death for trampling my roses!"


"Off with her head!" Mizuki declarred

"Wait! Wait!" Yume cried as card guards came over and started grabbing her. "You don't understand! I came here looking for the Mad Hatter and I -"

"The Mad Hatter?" Mizuki repeated

"Y-yes," Yume said "I was told by the good fairy Hime that he could take me to Ice Flower and that Ice Flower could take me home,"

"Ice Flower ..." she said again "You know what, you're in luck!"

"I - I am?"

"Yes," Mizuki smiled brightly at Yume "I just so happen to know where Ice Flower is,"

"You do?"

"I do, and I will be more then happy to take you to her,"

"Really?" Yume beamed, she was going home!

"However," said Mizuki "Before we go, I have to ask, do you know where the Mad Hatter is?"

"The Mad Hatter?" Yume echoed "Why do you want to know?"

"Just ... curious," Was all Mizuki said

Yume felt like Mizuki had been wearing a mask and it was falling apart at the scene. She had no idea where Ice Flower was, she didn't have any intention on getting her home.

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