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Hinaki Pan lead her lost boys to the shore of Skull Rock. "There it is! The Jolly Roger!" she said "Boys, swim over to the ship, I'm going to get a quick head start," Hinaki started rising into the air. "Now go!"

Hinaki flew into the air, Aria Bell following behind. "So ... what are we going to do?" Aria Bell "Turn their trousers inside out?"

"I'm going to do what I should have done many years ago," said Hinaki as she drew her dagger.

"Carve your name in his ship there by claiming it as your own?"

"Haha! No! I'm going to kill Hook!" she said with glee

"What? But you said no one would get hurt!" Aria cried panicked.

"Yes well, I lied,"

"FIRE!!" cried a voice from the Jolly Roger.

Suddenly Hinaki and Aria were hit with a storm of water balloons. "AAHH!!" They cried as they dove into the ocean.

"Bulls eye!" said Yume from the ship

"You're going down Pan!" said Rin, flashing her hook at the two of them.

Hinaki growled then flew into the air, Aria clinging onto her vest.

Hinaki drew her dagger even before her feet landed on the ship, she destroyed every water balloon Yume and Kanata threw at her. "It's going to take a lot more then water to defeat me!"

"Then how about a cup of tea?" Hinaki looked up just in time to watch the Mad Hatter pour a cup of scalding hot tea onto her face.


"Yeah! Take that you immortal girl-boy!" said Subaru

Hinaki looked at him with raging furry then floated up to him. She drew out her dagger and - "CAW!!" A seagull swung over and took the dagger.

"No!" Hinaki cried

"Haha!" said Subaru "What are you doing to do now?" Then Hinaki punched him and he started falling and right into the arms of Rin. (sorry shippers).

"On your feet, mate!" she said

"You are strong for a girl with a hook," said Kanata

"Don't let anything you see fool you,"


Hinaki never felt angrier! She couldn't be loosing! They were fighting with tea and water. Where were her lost boys?

Hinaki looked out to the sea and saw the lost boys kept in one spot by some kind of sea monster. A mermaid with red hair waved at him with an evil smile on her face.

"Oh son of a -" DOLPHIN NOISE!!!

"Say your prays Pan!" said Rin as she grabbed onto a rope, pulled on it, then lifted herself up the mast to where Hinaki was. Rin drew her sword "Surrender now,"

"Never!" Hinaki attempted to trip Rin but she jumped - thus - dodging the attack.

"This is so exciting!" said Yume

"I guess," said a small voice

"Ah! It's the evil fairy!" said Subaru

"It's Aria Bell," said Kanata

"Don't attack! Please!" Aria begged "I'm not on Pan's side anymore. He wants to kill Hook,"

"Yeah, didn't you know?" Yume asked

"No! She promised no one would get hurt ... too much,"

"And what about the lost boys?" Kanata asked "I know for a fact that every night those poor souls cry themselves to sleep then are tricked into doing Pan's dirty work only after they've been kidnapped from their families,"

Little Fairytales | An Aikatsu FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang