Chapter 2

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Zelena started sobbing after they threw us in the back of a white van. The slammed the door shut as it went dark. Zelena cries got louder as I reached to hug her trying to soothe her.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered, rubbing circles on her back.

Her sobs began to fade until the van was pulled to a stop and the guys came around to open the doors, pulling us out. The guys just looked at us then the one who has the blue eyes says, "Can we please keep them boss? I promise to take care of them."

"No we can't keep them we have to kill them before they try and run away." said one of the other guys, he was tall with dark hair and brown eyes.

He saw me staring at him so I quickly looked away.

"P-p-please don't hurt us we promise not to tell anyone." Zelena said whimpering.

"Boss please I will keep my eyes on both of them I mean it." said the guy with the blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Just this once but if I hear anything out of them they are dead understood?" said the tall guy.

"What the fuck hell no, please put us out of our misery!" I said.

Zelena gives me this look that says, "Are you trying to get us killed".

"Come along I'm David and this is my boss Robin." he said

"Don't you think it's not smart to give out your name to the people you are going to kill?"

"My boss said we get to keep you so we aren't gonna kill you," he smiled, "...yet." I frowned.

"Fuck you and your boss!" I exclaim, gritting my teeth.

"Not yet sweetheart." says another guy who sounded british and smirked.

The guy step towards me and puts tape on my mouth to keep me from saying anything snarky.

I rolled my eyes as they blindfold me and Zelena then dragging us off somewhere.

Next thing we know is that we are placed in room. Taking off our blindfolds taping our wrists, they quickly shut the door and locked it behind them.

I look at Zelena and gesture to the tape on my mouth and lean towards her. She rips the tape from my mouth

"You bitch, ow!" I screamed in pain, glaring daggers at her.

Zelena just chuckles at my comment.

Rolling my eyes, I asked, "Do you have a hair pin?"

Zelena lift up her eyebrows curiously, "Why do you need a hair pin?"

"Just give it to me." I commanded giving her a look.

She bends down so I can get the hairpin out and I put the hairpin between my teeth sawing at the tape on my wrists.

"How did you know how to do that?" she questions as I get free of the tape and start working on hers.

Once we both are free of the tape I go to the door and start trying to unlock it. I had some failed attempts but finally unlocked the door.

"When did you learn to do this stuff?" Zelena continues to question me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I watched a lot of television." I answered, grinning, "Now shut up and stay here."

She nods understanding. I leave the room to go search the house careful not to be caught.

I make my way around to what seems like a massive house until I am in the kitchen. I couldn't help myself so I open the fridge staring at a massive amount of food, stacked full. I then go to the freezer to search for ice cream.

I mutter to myself, "Of course these criminals love mint chocolate chip." I grinned.

I grabbed the tub of ice cream and two spoons and start walking back to where I came from eating the ice cream. Suddenly, I crashed into a wall, a very warm and well built wall but when I look up it's not a wall.

My spoon drops back into the bucket as I stare at the guy I just crashed into. I don't know him but I'm guessing he is another member of the gang.

"Uh...hi I'm Reggie," I say giving my best smile hoping this guy doesn't kill me.

He stares at me for a bit then says, "You're eating the boss' ice cream."

"I didn't know, I am new here." I smile sheepishly.

"I'm Henry, nice to meet you Reggie." he introduced.

I stood there shocked at how nice he is compared to the other guys.

"Nice to meet you too Henry, now if you will excuse me I have to go somewhere." I quickly say walking away.

I walked too quickly and ended up hitting an actual wall, the ice cream falling with me holding it tight. That was a mistake because it the ice cream landed on my clothes.

Now I'm gonna be sticky great.

By the time I was able to stand back on my feet, I was surrounded by three guys David, Henry and the guy who put tape on my mouth.

Let's call him tape guy, yeah sounds about accurate.

Trying to look for somewhere to run i noticed they trapped me. So I surrendered myself, covered in the ice cream that I already melted on to my clothes before I put it back in the container.

"Hey guys what's up?" I smile innocently.

"Hey what you got there missy," the tape guy says.

"Just some ice cream." I say, "Anyway what's your name?" I ask curiously.

"His name is Killian, he is a chef," says David excitedly eyeing the ice cream.

"Killian," I said letting the word escape my mouth, "That sounds like a decent name, better than what I called you." I shrugged.

Killian gave me a glare causing me to step back a little.

"It was nothing bad. I promise." I squeaked, "Anyway nice to meet you I am Reggie."

Killian rolled his eyes, "David. Henry. Please take her back in her room." he commanded.

So sorry loves don't shoot me but I have been gone I will be updating more so look for more of my content. See ya soon lovelies!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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