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Kyle's P.O.V

I walked besides Cartman, who kept rambling about random shit. At this point he was talking about memes? I'm not to sure I wasn't listening.

Honestly, I wanted to talk to Stan, but sometimes you gotta learn from your bullshit. Cartman came to another sudden stop, looking down at the ground. "Okay, we need to make this adventure more exciting. Let split up."

"I'm not leaving butters." Kenny stated. "He tried to kill himself."

Butters made a pouting face. "Um.. Cartman made that up."

Kenny shook his head. "See guys, he's in denial."

"So, we are splitting up. Choose your partner I guess." Cartman said, looking annoyed with Kenny.

I really didn't wanna go with anyone, but I guessed I'd go with Stan, since I didn't want Stan to hate me. "Hey, I'll go with you, Cartmans constant dribble of words is so annoying."

Stan chuckled a bit, and nodded. "Ok.. so I'll go by myself, since Kenny just had to take butters with us." He glared at Kenny.

"I'm sorry I have to take someone else's suicide to get other people's attention." Kenny muttered, walking into the trail to the furthest right.

Surely butters followed, going after him. Cartman rolled his eyes, then turned to us. "Good luck you guys." He muttered, walking into a path near the middle of the bunch.

"Ugh I swear to god he's gonna pull something." I said to Stan shaking my head.

Stan shrugged, and looked towards a path on the left. "Of course he is, why would he want us to split up other wise."

We both were quite for a long while. Our argument at school had almost happened 5 hours ago. Instead of thinking how awkward this was, I would start some sort of conversation? "So.. uh.. Excited for break?"

God damn now I sound like a 80 year old woman talking to her grandson.

"Yea, I guess. I'm just bummed because I forgot to sign up for summer sports." He sighed.

Oh yea. He remembered that from this morning. "Yea you told me." I said quietly.

He seemed to be embarrassed, but I shrugged it off. "Its getting dark, should we turn back?" I said, kinda pulling his arm.

He looked at me, than up at the sky. "It's not completely dark, and I'm enjoying the serenity."

I let out an annoyed sigh, then said "fine, but only a bit longer."

Soon enough, we could hardly see 5 feet in front of us. I was honestly pissed beyond belief. "So Stan, not completely dark? It hasn't even been a little bit, and I can't see my own feet!"

What I could see was Stan's flustered face, as if he'd seen a ghost. "Stan..?" I stopped completely as his emotion grew darker and darker.

"Kyle. Don't. Move." Stan said slowly, staring at something over and behind me.

I shuddered, wanting to look or talk or run away, but I froze as I heard leaves and sticks crumbling and cracking.

I took in a giant breath, grabbed Stan, and threw him into the person.

Both of them let out screeches scrambling to get up. The figure was big. Me, still not being able to see who it was, I started to kick it while it was still on the ground.


Oh, that voice sounded familiar. I realized it was Cartman.

"Oh hi Cartman." I said, kicking him one last time. "Holy... god.." he panted.

I felt Stan walk up next to me. I kind of felt embarrassed for using him as a weapon. "Hey.. uhh. I'm sorry Stan, I was just uh... using my reasources?" I smiled at him.

He gave me a playful glare, but turned his attention back to Cartman. "Do you know where Butters and Kenny are?" He asked.

Cartman shrugged. "No, but my path ended like an hour ago, or, apparently it wasn't a path.." he muttered.

"Consider yourself lucky that you didn't get lost." I crossed my arms.

"Yea, yea, I found a cabin up ahead though. Camping isn't really my thing, but I'm tired and I want to go home."

"Good idea, but are we just going to break into someone's house- er, I mean cabin." Stan corrected himself.

We talked for awhile when we noticed two people coming our way.  "Hello?" Stan called out.

"Is that you fellas? Hey it's us!" A familiar voice called.

"I bet that's butters. OH I bet you 10 dollars kahl." Cartman grinned.

"Oh my God. I'm not that stupid." I snapped at him, then looked over at the two people.

"Hey yea, it's us guys." I called out.

Soon enough Butters and Kenny were over with us, explaining how they were gonna go home, but got distracted and kept walking. "So that happened." Kenny said.

"Ok so, Cartman wanted us to sleep in that cabin over there." I pointed to a blurry figure in the distance. "Thoughts and opinions?"

"You sound like our old English teacher." Cartman chuckled.

"Shut up" I said, not looking away from Butters and Kenny.

"Well, I don't think it's smart to be walking around in the dark, so uhhh.. maybe we should check to see if anyone's there?" Kenny said looking towards the cabin.

"C'mon guys, the worst thing that could happen is us dying." Said Cartman.

"Wow cartman, you motivated us so much." Stan muttered under his breath.

"AY! I heard that marsh" he yelled.

Eventually we all decided to go to the cabin and see if anyone lived there, and if not we could stay there


Sorry thus update was kinda late, the next part might be nsfw so innocent eyes should avert themselves.

But I mean, it is South park they talk about dildos and shit, when has it even not been nsfw.

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