Chapter 1

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They say your school days are the best days of your life, sometimes, I beg to differ.

Yes, school days are filled with fun, parties, relationships, friendships etc. But they're also filled with heartbreak, betrayal, dishonesty and sadness. I know all this from personal experiences.

I'm Lucy Anderson and I'm about to finish another year at  Rocky Mount High, California. Of course I love my life and everyone in it but there's a certain person making things very difficult for me at the moment. That persons name is Mark Casey.

Mark and I have both attended Rocky Mount High for the past few years together. Mark's the kind of guy that everyone just happens to know. He's captain of the baseball team, easily the best looking guy in school, he's by far the most popular and he most definitely is the biggest 'player' I have ever come across in my life.

I know what you're thinking, keep away from him right? Yeah not so easy.

About a year ago I got 2 weeks detention for skipping school and accidentally crashing my car into the principals SUV. I know I know, stupid right. But I'm usually a great driver I was just showing off 'cause there was a few guys off the football team in the car with me so I was driving a little too fast. I would of had a lot longer in detention if summer hadn't been coming up!

Anyway moving on, I arrived on my first day of detention after school on a Wednesday morning. The room was empty surprisingly as usually detention was full. I took my seat and sat with my elbow on the table and my face in my palm. I gazed out at the sun beaming through the window and crossed my fingers that time wouldn't drag.

Since summer was only two weeks away, my thoughts wondered as I daydreamed about my plans for summer. Those thoughts were interrupted when Mark Casey was literally pushed in the door by my principal, Mr Roberts. He explained to the supervisor that Mark had been caught cheating again on his exams.

Mark smirked then turned to take a seat. He glanced at me then his head shot in my direction. I looked at him in confusion, wondering what he was looking at . Oh. he was gorgeous though! He was tall, slightly tan, soft and perfectly messy brown hair, crystal blue eyes and the body of a god!

I quickly turned away after I realised I had been staring at him for a couple of seconds. He took a seat next to me a smiled cheekily. I nodded at him then went back to staring out the window.

I could feel his stare on me, I turned around to face him.

''What?'' I whispered across to him

He grinned to himself the laughed silently for a second.

''I've never seen you in detention before'' He whispered back with that grin still plastered across his face.

''So I take it you are a regular?'' I replied cheekily

He laughed again then leaned back in his seat.

''Unfortunately'' He joked

I rolled my eyes and licked my bottom lip once.

''You're Lucy Anderson, right?'' He asked as if he wasn't quite sure.

I looked at him in surprise. I was shocked that he even knew my name.

''Yep and you're Mark Casey, Right?'' I replied cheekily

''I sure am'' 

''Mark, move to the other side of the room now!'' The supervisor said

''Of course, miss'' He replied sarcastically

He stood up and put his bag over his shoulder and winked at me. I shook my head and smiled as he made his way to the other side of the classroom.

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