Chapter 3

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Ty's POV~

My heart had stopped beating. The instant Seto ran off, it just stopped.  It's now friday, and my heart still starts beating when Seto is around. It was a little freaky, but I accepted that it was probably part of my abilities.

I sat at a table in the school library, doing my homework. I was going through the work pretty quickly, mainly because the online classes I took before taught me everything already.  The main reason I'm here is because my parents want me to make friends. Also, the online shool only wanted to give me a diploma if I payed for it.

If you haven't realised it already,  money is a bit of a problem for me. Because I have to stay hidden all the time, I can't get a job. The only thing I'm able to do is to help someone do something and hope they pay me. They usually do, but once I had an old lady give me a lollipop instead of money. Weird, huh? The only reason I had the money to get school supplies was because I helped a pregnant lady carry her shopping bags and an old guy repair his roof.

I finished my homework and packed my things. I walked out the door, trying to decide whether or not to go hang out by the market or walk through the neighborhoods. Either one would probably land me a job. I opted for the neighborhood near the park, mainly because I was tired.

As I walked out of the school, I realised that it was later than I thought. No big deal, people would still be outside. I turned down the road to the neighborhood, when I heard a scream. I whipped my sword out of my bag and ran towards where it came from.

There were two little kids backed up against the side of a fence as a creeper moved towards them. I leapt into action, slicing throught the creeper before it exploded. It blinked out of exsistence, leaving behind only two pieces of flint.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked, turning to the kids. They were both boys, brothers by the looks of it.

"Y-yeah, we're fine. Thanks." The older of the two said, and I smiled at him.

"You guys should go home before you get into more trouble." I said, and they nodded, running off.

I sighed, and continued along the street, slinging my sword through my belt because its scabbard was in my bag.

Near the end of the neighborhood, I found a guy trying desperately to fix his house before night time.

"Need some help?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that would be great." He replied.

(~-.-)~ TARDIS time skip ~(-.-~)

We managed to fix his house before dark, and he gave me 50 bucks! I'm going to have to go shopping tomorrow after school.

I made it back to the park, and headed into the forest at the back. I made it to the secret path, and walked until I got to a small clearing. It was taken up by an outcropping of rocks. Normally someone would just go around it and keep walking, but instead I scaled the rocky "hill" and got to the top. There, in a sheltered hollow at the top, was a natural hot spring. I found it way back when I had first been left on my own. Luckily no one else has found it, probably because the path is hidden and the water isn't hot enough to give off enough steam to be seen.

I slipped off my cloathes and grabbed my dirty ones from my bag. I set to work washing them, and when I was done I weighted them down and left them to dry. Then I slipped into the water and took my time washing up, because my cloathes needed time to dry. When I did get out, my cloathes were dry, and I slipped on a pair. When I bought my cloathes I only got identical outfits to save money, so it didn't matter which one I wore.

As I was packing up my bag, I heard voices.

"Are you sure we should camp out here?" A voice that sounded like Sky's said.

"Yeah dood, no one comes out here." That one sounded like Mitch.

"Hey biggums, you ever found out what's at the top of this rock?" This time I put the pieces together. Mitch and his friends were camping at the base of the rock.

"Naw dood, but that's what we're doing tomorrow." I could almost hear the grin in Mitch's voice.

I slipped around the rock to the opposite side, slinging my bag onto my back. The only way I was getting out of this was if I went down from the other side and walked past them. It would seem suspicious if I came down a rock wall right in front of them. I made my way down the wall. This side was almost 90°, unlike the front, which was more like 70°. There were a few times where I slipped and almost fell, but I made it down with only a couple of bruises and scratches.

I took a deep breath, and went to the path. I walked until I was at the front of the outcropping. I sped up a bit, hoping they wouldn't notice me. But then I was stopped by Mitch.

"Hey, is that you Deadlox? Come over here!" He called out from their camp fire. (GATHER AROUND THE CAMP FIRE AND SING THE CAMP FIRE SONG oh sorry continue on)

I approached them, and the others looked at me curiously.

"Dood, what're you doing out here?" Mitch asked me.

"I went for a hike after school." I answered him.

"HEY! YOU SHOULD CAMP OUT WITH US!!!!" Sky suddenly yelled.

"Naw man, I gotta get home. My parents are probably worried." I lied.

"Ok then dood..." Jerome sighed.

"I can probably come out here tomorrow though." I said. I felt a little bad for turning them down.

"YAAAAY!" Sky yelled, throwing his arms up into the air.

"See ya tomorrow." I said, and I quickly walked off down the path, their chorus of goodbyes following me.

When I got back to the park, I climbed into my tree and hung my bag on the branch next to me. As I fell asleep, my only thought was

'What did I get myself into?'.


Yup. I do good? See ya later, my fluffies!

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