Chapter 1

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A.N.: So this is the beginning of my new fanfic. As I wrote in the last chapter, I warn you if you're easy impressionable, because this story will go through depression, illness (physical and mental), suicide, and much more. Except for this I really hope you'll like it (: and if you're going through some of the things above, don't be afraid and dm me, I'm always here to help. You're not alone 💜
Enjoy the story (:


I always thought I have been lucky to have had such a happy life. I had everything. Friends, a family, good grades, a boyfriend. I wasn't popular at school but at least I was surrounded by people who loved me.

I can say that my life was 'perfect'. Well, at least I thought it was.

Everything was going so fine. I don't know why this happened. Darkness is always behind the corner ready to hit you as hard as possible.

I've never had to deal with something so big before. I've never had the chance to prove I'm a fighter. But God this is so difficult.

All this mess started at the end of September. I had just started my first year in college. My three best friends were going to the same campus as me. Everything was fine, until that day... The day that changed it all.

I wasn't fine at all. I could notice it of course. I started to lose weight and I wasn't hungry anymore. This was weird because I'm one of those people who wants to eat 25/8. But the thing that worried me the most was that I started to get short of breath. Every time, even when going up and down the stairs. And even this is weird because I used to be a jock, always trying to do a lot of exercises everyday.

Everyday that passed, I would get worse, so I went to the doctor.

It's probably nothing, I kept telling myself that in my mind.

Lungs cancer.

Second stage.

How many are the chances that a 18 years old girl could have that cancer?

So low.

I didn't smoke. I never even tried once.

I didn't know how to say it to my mom, to my friends. I felt so lost, alone.

The opportunity came by itself, because I couldn't have the courage to say it myself. I started to have breathing difficulties during Biology. The air wasn't going to the brain anymore and I fainted.

It was the last thing I remember of that day.

I woke up in a place I didn't recognize at first. The UCLA Los Angeles Hospital. Sophia's mum works here.

I looked around me, feeling my head dizzy. A nurse was checking my IV (Intravenous feeding).

"What happened?" I asked even tho I already know the answer.

"You fainted in class, we are checking on you to see if everything is okay. If it is, we will send you home shortly." She kindly smiled. "Do you remember what happened? Why you fainted?"

"I was short of breath. So my brain wasn't receiving enough oxygen."

She took the medical records and started to write on it. She started asking me some questions like normal protocol.

"Do you smoke?"


"Was it your first time with this breathing issue?"

"..." I tried to took a deep breath but my chest hurts. "No..."

She noticed that there was pain in my voice. She stood up and clicked some buttons on her beeper.

"So? Can I go home now?"

"No." A voice came behind the tent where my bed was. "Hi Belle." Sophia's mom is my doctor?

"Hi Ms. Johnson."

"Have you called your mom?"

"I don't have my phone with me, and it's not necessary. I'm okay."

She said something to the nurse that run straight to the reception of the E.R.. Obviously she will call my mom now.

"Let me see if you're really okay or not. If you are, then there's nothing to worry about and you can go home."

She started all the same procedures from the start. Checking my pupils, hearing my breath, asking me questions.

"I wanna do a CT of your chest. And don't argue." She said seeing that I was about to say no.

She called the nurse again that prepared me to go to another room, while Ms. Johnson went behind the monitors. I tried to stay as stable as I could.

When it was finished I looked at her. Her look was on me.

I returned to my bed and my mom was there waiting for me.

"Oh Belle, what happened?" She said squeezing my hand.

"Nothing mom. I'm okay."

"Anne can I talk to you a minute?" Ms. Johnson said approaching us.

"Yeah sure."

I watched as my mom started to cry. Pain. There was all pain.

Why didn't I tell her myself? Why do I have to be such a horrible person? Not even good as her daughter.

I'm a coward. That's all I am.


A.N.: so this is it. I know what you may think right now. She's an idiot, but just give her time (: her character will evolve.

What do you think will happen next?

Do you like Belle?

Do you think she should have told her mom about it?

Vote and comment (:

Have a nice day (: ❤️

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