Chapter 15

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A.N.: Thanks for 17k on Roommates xx ❤️ The twins are at Coachella asdfgh

I just wanted to say that this book is coming to an end soon, and that unfortunately these will be the last chapters. But I really hope you're gonna like the finale that I planned for it (: for now enjoy this chapter (: thanks for reading ❤️


*Still Belle's P.O.V.*

I've basically spent two days in the ICU with him. I've only went back to my room when I needed to sleep, only because Dr. Johnson said so, because if it was for me I'd have stayed there.

He regained consciousness after a few hours after the operation. He still couldn't believe that that really happened. He was so happy, and of course I was happy for him too. He truly deserved this.

His family visited him every day and I stayed with them. I didn't even know how. I felt like I was a stranger, because clearly that's what I am, but his parents made me feel like I was part of the family. Now I understand who Ethan got his kindness from. He presented me to them as his girlfriend. And it was so sweet. I've never been the 'girlfriend' of someone. I mean I've had boyfriends before, but this. This seemed serious and I liked it.

*two days later*

They took him back to our room and he was finally 'completely' recovered from the operation, even though he still needed a few months of rehabilitation. He couldn't get up from bed because of course his heart needed recover, it wasn't completely fine yet.

Months passed and everything was going fine. Finally. But the last day of his rehabilitation came soon, and that meant that he could go back to his house. I was happy, well of course I was. But at the same time I felt so selfish, because now I'm gonna be alone here. He won't be next to me when I wake up. I won't be able to see him when I fall asleep. He won't be here next to me. He won't be here.

His family and the nurses helped him to get ready to leave.

"Mom I'm going to come downstairs in a few. I need to do something first." He said before leaving the room.

"Sure. See you later. Goodbye Belle." She smiled.

I smiled back and waved her goodbye.

Ethan reached my bed and took my hand gently. I looked as our fingers interlocked.

"You know that you're not going to get rid of me that easily right?" He raised an eyebrow.

I giggled. That sounded like a stalker threat.

"I'll come here to see you everyday." He said.


"Of course. Why are you even asking?"

He caressed the back of my hand with his thumb and I could feel the chills running down my spine. Every little touch of him sent me fire through my veins, through my whole body.

"I'm coming back tomorrow." He kissed my lips while cupping my face with his hands.

As we broke it our gaze was locked in each other's eyes. Every time I get lost in his.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." He gave me another kiss. This time our lips locked and a second later we were making out. The taste of his lips against mine, the way our tongues moved in sync. Everything was perfect about it, it was the perfect kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said smiling and trying to catch my breath as we stopped kissing.

"Tomorrow." He smiled back and left the room.

God. I already miss him and only a second passed by.

After a while the nurse took me to do the chemo and soon after that a CT. There were no progress, that's what Dr. Johnson had said, but at least the tumor wasn't growing.

But I still have that thing inside me. And it seems like it won't go away, that it doesn't want to.

In the afternoon the girls came by to spend the day with me as always. We talked about what happened in campus, about the guys. They asked me how was Ethan doing, how was I doing and stuff like that. Then around 9 in the evening they left and I remained alone again.

Not even a day passed without him and I was already completely bored.

I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang. I checked it and without even realizing it a smile was running across my face.

Incoming face time call from Eth ❤️


A.N.: Ethan finally can go home, but Belle is gonna be alone now in their room.

Belle's cancer seems to not have made any progress.

What do you think it will happen?

Will she be alright?

Will they find a way to save her?

Or will things go worse?

Keep reading to find out what will happen next (:


Have a nice day ❤️

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