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Your Violet Eyes are

Why I don't lose hope in life

They are like heaven                                                                              

Madoka nodded firmly as she completed the haiku. She had long forgot her homework in favor of writing a poetry for her friend to deliver the next day. "One week until Valentine's Day, I gotta make this one special" Madoka and Homura had met and become friends about a year and a half prior, and soon after this meeting Madoka had fallen in love. She had been planning this surprise for many a month and it was all falling into place. She folded the small piece of white paper and slipped it into her bag. She changed into her pajamas and turned her blaring speaker off, the loud j-pop music ceasing its incessant rhythm. Madoka finished getting ready, silently sliding into her bed and pulling out her cherry red ribbons an setting them on the bedside table. Madoka smiled to herself as she looked at them, remembering the day she met the lovely black-haired beauty, and how those ribbons had been a gift from her. Unfortunately, she thought, she didn't remember exactly what happened, but she felt like it was important. Maybe one day Homura would tell her. She reached her hand out to her lamp, turned it off, and went to sleep, snuggled next to one of her stuffed animals.

Authors Note:

I know that this is short, it's kinda the idea. The type of poems that Madoka is writing for Homura, Hakius, are very short. It's meant to be short snippets of Madoka being oblivious to what Homura has done. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

I love and value you more that you can ever know,


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