153 3 0

Hair as black as a

Raven, soft as a blanket

I love how it flows

Madoka frowned. The poem didn't feel right. She held it up to Tatsuya to see. "What do you think?" She asked, forgetting that he can't read.

"I like!" He said, throwing his tiny fists up in the air.

"Okay, if you say so" Madoka chirped, smiling at her baby brother. She folded the poem up, zipping open her bag and slipping it inside. "Tatsuya" she began, lowering her voice "I need to tell you a secret"

"Ok" he said, his voice becoming what he thought was a whisper.

"You know how boys are supposed to like girls, and girls are supposed to like boys"

"Yeah" Tatsuya whispered loudly, noddding his head vigorously. 

"Well, I like girls, and there's this one that I really like, but mommy and daddy don't know about that, and you can't tell them, okay?"

"Okay!" Tatsuya cheered, clapping his hands.

"Alright, good" Madoka sighed "let's get you to bed now." She picked her brother up from the ground where he had been playing with some blocks and to his room. He cooed softly as he's set him down in his crib, already asleep. Madoka smiled at him. So cute! She thought. Madoka left her brothers room and went to her own, turning on her speaker. A love song played. She smiled again. She did homework for the rest of the evening, day dreaming about tomorrow.

Authors Note:

Hiya all! So, another one, huh. Nothing else to really note here, but I did like writing this one a lot and I hope you continue to read!

I love and value you more that you can ever know,


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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