In the Dark, You See Me

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This story was supposed to be where Kaneki is a prostitute and one of his clients becomes yandere over Kaneki. My friend wouldn't write this, so I decided to myself. As you can see that didn't happen.

Summary below (I had a cover made, I'll add it here later)

"It's dangerous!"

"It's disgusting!"

"You should treat yourself better, what if you get a disease?"

Those are the things most say when you reveal yourself to be what most would call a prostitute.

I don't have any diseases; my customers use protection. I'm offended by those who say that.

Disgusting? Yeah, it kind of grosses me out when old men stare at my ass every time I bend over, even more so when I have sex with them. I try to imagine them as attractive men who are my age.

"It's dangerous!"

I probably should have listened to that one.

***Basically, Kaneki is a prostitute who bit off more than he could chew.

Picture used on the cover is not mine.

Tokyo Ghoul belongs to Ishida Sui.

Nishio, someone who I would consider a friend, led me into his house. He had suggested I hang out with him and his friends since they just so happened to be there.

I walked into the room they were all in, all of them were doing their own thing. I glanced over all of them, stopping when a white-haired boy caught my eye. My breath was knocked out of my chest.

"His name is Kaneki Ken," Nishio stated nonchalantly.

"Huh?" I peeled my eyes away from the boy.

"The guy you're staring at. He's one of my closest friends. Give him some decent cash, and you can have him all night."

"Have him all night? What are you talking about?"

"Kaneki's a prostitute. I don't really know what he charges, but maybe he'll give you a discount since we know each other."

"I can't have sex with him!" I lowered my voice, "is he even legal?"

"Barely. I mean, aren't you like double his age?"

"You're acting like I'm a pedophile, how old is he? I'm only 35, which I think is still young."

"He's 19, so even though there's a..." He counted on his fingers, "16 year age difference I don't think it will bother him. Kaneki's done it with older. I say go for it."

"Oh, I don't know, I only came here because you wanted to say thanks and-" Nishio pushed me.


Okay, so I'm doing this.

I shuffled towards Kaneki and very unconfidently stood before him. He didn't even look up.

I cleared my throat, he jumped slightly and raised his head. We had a small staring contest before I spoke.

"Hello, Kaneki-san, my name is Koyota Yuuki, and I was wondering how much it would cost for me to be inside of you." Only a pedophile would say that. Idiot.

His eyes widened slightly. "Excuse me?" Ah, his voice. He sounds so elegant and beautiful.

"Um, I heard you provide services, sexual services, so I was just wondering how much it would cost to...Um. Have-"

"Sex with me?"


Kaneki smiled slightly. He leaned forward and scanned the room, eyes landing on Nishio who promptly smirked.

"How much money do you have?" He picked at his blackened nails.

I dug around in my wallet and pulled out some bills.

"I have 250 dollars. Is that enough?"

"For you to put your dick inside me? Hm..."

My hands have never been more sweaty.

"Fine," I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, "I'll accept this, but if there's a next time then you'll be paying the same amount my other customers pay."

"What do they usually pay?"

"Depends. If they want a blowjob I'll take $100-$200 dollars. For normal sex it's $500 or more, depending if they want to leave marks on me or if they want to tie me up. For $2,000 or more I'll participate in a threesome. Prices are sort of negotiable."

"I-Interesting." I handed the money over, which he quickly stuffed into his back pocket.

"Mmhm. Very interesting... Follow me." He stood and stretched, his back popping as he moved.


"Where is it exactly are we going?" He led me by the hand.

"My place, obviously."


As if on cue we halted.

"Damn, where are my keys-" He patted himself down, his hand left mine.

In the Dark, You See MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang