Be More Chill (Not the Musical)

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This is an AU where Kaneki is an ice skater. I'm an ice skating fan, but I did make up some stuff in this. I got my inspiration from Yuri on Ice, Blades of Glory, and I, Tonya. I actually might update/make a story out of this. Idk. (This is a rough draft btw, just a place where I can write my ideas down.)

"You can do it, just relax." Hide said, optimistically. 

Kaneki wiped his sweaty palms on his black leggings. "Okay. Okay."

Touka gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I know you can, now get out of here. " 

Kaneki smiled and removed his skate guards, handing them to Touka. He pushed himself out onto the ice, the crowd roared. He got into position. 

The quadruple axel. An insanely hard jump consisting of four and a half rotations. Beyond difficult, and reserved for only the most experienced and best skaters. Kaneki was only 19 and never landed it in practice, but he was determined. 

However, not everyone was cheering Kaneki on. *Insert TG villain here* stood no chance. Even attempting a quadruple axel could give you a decent amount of points. If he landed it? V/N's career would be ruined. Kaneki Ken would be the only skater to ever land it in competition. 

V/N held the small but deadly beads in his hands. Waiting to strike. 

Kaneki took a deep breath and began his beyond practiced routine. Okay. The first jumps are approaching, ones he has landed multiple times. A double axel followed by a triple toe loop. 

Nailed it! Kaneki couldn't help but smile. 

+time skip????

The second half. This would shock the crowd. He was going to attempt a quadruple axel in the second half of his program. He started gaining speed, the crowd and announcers realizing what he was going to attempt to do. 

Kaneki later found out that he would have landed it perfectly. 

V/N watched closely as Kaneki Ken's skates left the ice, his body spinning seemingly in slow motion.  The beads he held in his hand were thrown onto the ice. 

Kaneki's skate hit them as he landed. His legs gave out beneath him, blood spurting from the area surrounding the now protruding bone of his broken ankle. His body hit the hard ice, the air was forced out of his lungs, and his ribs cracked. His head hit the cold ground, knocking him unconscious.  

Screams filled the stadium, a medical team went out onto the ice, V/N  calmly walked away with a smile. 

V/N (Furuta) was going to win. The smile stayed on his face all day until he heard the news. 

"Craft beads, believe it or not, we're found on the ice where Kaneki Ken fell. This is believed to be the cause of his accident, not the difficulty of the jump. Malicious intent may or may not be a possibility. The police are currently reviewing the security tapes for evidence. As for Kaneki, he is in critical condition with injuries extending from a compound ankle fracture to a concussion and neck injury. We will provide the public with updates as the investigation continues or if Kaneki Ken has a shift in his condition."

"Welp," Furuta spoke to himself, "looks like I'll have to call in some favours."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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