Chapter 1: Who's That Guy

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The nerve of him.

Rachel Berry was having such a good day. She had finally landed a lead role in a Broadway play. Broadway, not Off-Broadway, the real deal, legitimate, everybody-is-going-to-know-your-name, Broadway. It's too bad she was now standing in a busy New York coffee shop defending her success to her ex-boyfriend turned just-a-friend, Brody.

He had invited her to coffee, seemingly to celebrate her new role, but things quickly turned sour when he told her that he didn't want her in the play that she had just been cast in. That simply wasn't something he got to decide.

"You do not get a vote, Brody. We broke up months ago." Rachel sipped from her coffee, hoping it would calm her down. It was not okay for Brody to tell her what she could do. "And why didn't you tell me you didn't want me to do this play months ago, when I started auditioning for it? It's not like you didn't know the story."

Brody rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter, I'm telling you now. What will people think, Rachel?"

"It's a play Brody. If I remember correctly there was kissing in the play we were just in." She clutched the coffee in her hand and folded her arms across her chest, hoping it would keep herself from crushing the cup in her hand.

Her and Brody had dated for almost seven months while they stared opposite each other in an Off- Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast. They even continued dating a little while after they wrapped the show, but broke up when they realized that they weren't that compatible when it came to romance. They had been maintaining a great friendship since.

Well, until today.

His eyes scanned the crowded coffee shop, being careful to look anywhere but at Rachel. Brody liked Rachel and agreed that they weren't working out as a couple, but now that she was possibly going to be moving on, he has found himself unexpectedly jealous. "That was different."

"Why? Because I was kissing you." She narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to say otherwise.

He shrugged. "Exactly." He took a step closer to her, reaching his hand out to touch her arm.

Rachel knew she should control her anger here. After all, she was in a crowded coffee shop and in a few months everybody was going to know her name. Right now though, he was touching her arm and telling her to give up her dream, causing her anger to grow exponentially; she was beginning to lose her composure. She leaned closer to him and spoke to him in a harsh whisper. "I'm even going to waste my breath telling you again how your logic fails there. I am a grown woman and this is an excellent opportunity for me."

"Rachel, I forbid you to be in this play." He stood up straight and crossed his arms across his chest, channeling all the authority he possessed.

She placed her cup on the nearest table and balled her hands into fists at her side as she leaned closer to him, raising her eyebrow at him. "You forbid me? Who do you think you are? I have taken this part and I intend to keep it. You most certainly do not get to forbid me from it because there will be kissing. I am free to kiss whomever I please. Hell, I could kiss the next guy who walked in here if I wanted to." She pointed vaguely in the direction of the door and was pleased when she saw his eyes flicker to the entrance.

"You wouldn't dare." He challenged.

That's when she snapped. Who did Brody think he was to dictate the roles she could and couldn't take? He needed to be taught a lesson. She turned swiftly and walked to the door, every step causing her heels to click against the floor with determination. She noticed a couple taller men pulling the door open and without warning, she took hold of the collar of the first guy through the door and pulled him down till his lips met hers.

Finn Hudson had no clue what was going on. He was just walking along casually, listening to Kurt complain about how much he worked. Again. Clearly, Kurt did not know how much work went into running an upscale restaurant. Finn was busy all the time, these things just don't happen overnight, it takes a lot of time and effort. He was explaining it all to him when Kurt pulled open the door to the coffee shop and gestured for Finn to enter first. What Finn hadn't expected, was to be forced into a lip lock as soon as he set foot in the shop.

He barely had time to register that his collar was being pulled on before his lips were pressed against the stranger's. He instinctively puckered against the unknown lips as his hands wrapped around the waist of the small girl. To be fair, he didn't get a good look at who he was kissing before, but he was pretty sure it was a girl. Another thing he was pretty sure about was that this kiss was amazing. After the initial shock wore off he eagerly returned the kiss, gladly granting the mystery tongue the access it was now asking for. He was almost afraid of what would happen when she inevitably pulled away from him.

Rachel hadn't planned on this. She was only supposed to kiss a random stranger to prove her point to Brody, but she was not prepared for the tingling sensation coursing through her. Whoever this was, he was waking up parts of her she didn't even know were asleep. She found herself prolonging what was supposed to a quick kiss so that she could keep the feeling a little longer. She vaguely heard Brody's voice coming from close behind her.

"Fine you proved your point." Brody reached up and pulled on her shoulder separating her from the dazed stranger. "I said I get it"

Rachel released the collar of the man, a man who she now sees is very tall and very attractive, and steps back quickly scanning the area around them, noticing the shocked faces surrounding them. Somehow remembering why she was kissing the man in the first place, she turned to face an obviously angry Brody and poked her finger in his chest. "I think we are done here. I'm leaving. Don't bother calling me." She turned back to the tall man and locked eyes with him, hoping he understood her silent apology as she walked past him and out of the coffee shop with her head held high.

Finn stood in shock as his mystery kisser stormed past Kurt who was still holding open the door, his mouth uncharacteristically hanging open. Before he could make the decision to go after her, the man who she was yelling at stepped in front of him.

"Don't get any ideas, man; that's my girl." Brody brushed past Finn, purposely knocking shoulders with him before pushing Kurt aside. "Rachel, come back..."

"Didn't seem like it to me," Kurt scoffed, finally able to enter the coffee shop. He stood next to a still stunned Finn, eyeing the menu hanging over the counter. "Well that was interesting. Do you know her?"

Finn shook his head hoping to clear it so he could hold a conversation. "No. I don't know her." Finn couldn't help to think that maybe he wanted to though. All he knew was that her name was probably Rachel and he definitely wanted to kiss her again, if the opportunity presented itself. "I don't even know Kurt."

"Come on, lover boy." Kurt recognized the look in Finn's eyes, he even welcomed it.

Rachel walked down the busy street, turning corners and weaving through strangers hoping to avoid Brody. She's not exactly sure what had happened back there, but she found herself intrigued by the handsome stranger that she had kissed. She was pretty sure she would never see him again and the thought of that made her sadder than the thought of her and Brody's fight. The unexpected side effects of accepting Brody's challenge had seemed to bring her a new dilemma.

How will she find and possibly kiss that guy again?

So what do you guys think so far should I continue?

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