Chapter 5: Recovery

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For those of you that guessed "It's Rachel, I'm delicious." as my favorite line in the last chapter, you were correct! I laughed the whole time writing it and every time I read it after. Also if you haven't checked it out yet I have a one shot out on my page called take a chance on me and it's based off one of my favorite friends episodes, also my game of would you rather rather is also out if you wanna play that it's also on my page now, anyway onto the story!

"I can't believe we are getting an exclusive viewing of The Perfect Key. The critics have been going crazy over it."

Because the showing was a matinee, Finn would only need Mike to cover him for couple hours, including opening up the restaurant for the day; Mike was more than happy to do so. And to keep himself out of trouble, Finn had decided to ask Kurt to join him. Kurt was a fan of the theater and since Finn had basically gotten these tickets because of his meddling, it seemed like the right thing to do. Even if Kurt had been going on and on about the play and Finn's potential for love since they had met up at the restaurant. "Can you just be cool, Kurt?"

"'Be cool' really, Finn?" Finn followed behind Kurt, scanning his ticket as entered into the theater. "Do you know what role she has in this?"

Finn opened the playbill to see Rachel's name in bold lettering, alongside Jesse's. "It says she is playing Emma."

"Emma? That's the lead Finn."

He knew that the lead in any play was a big deal, but he didn't want to get Kurt even more worked up than he already was. The more Finn could downplay his excitement, the better off he would be. "Okay."

Kurt rolled his eyes at his step brother then sighed deeply as they wandered into the theater to find their seats. "I guess I should just be happy I got you here."

"Hey! I invited you, remember?" Kurt gestured to a pair of seats that matched the ones printed on their tickets. "These are pretty good seats."

Kurt sat, his eyes scanning the theater in awe. "They are. You said he just left them for you?"

"He gave them to Wendy to give to me."

Kurt shook his head. "I still can't believe it." Just then the lights in the theater began to flicker. "Shh. It's about to start."

Finn chose not to point out that Kurt had been the one talking; instead, he sat back and watched as the play began.

The Perfect Key portrayed a young woman, Emma, who was ready to give up on her life until she found herself at an inn outside of the small village that she lived in. The inn was managed by Eric, a handsome widower who was looking for a way to save the business he had started with his late wife. Emma and Eric became friends and when he found out that she had the voice of an angel, he convinced her to sing at the inn. Eventually, Eric taught Emma to trust people again and Emma taught Eric to love again. The songs were haunting and beautiful and the cast was phenomenal.

Rachel was a natural on the stage; she commanded the audience's attention and pierced their hearts with her voice. More importantly, she commanded Finn's attention and her voice pierced his heart. He was mesmerized by her even more than he had been before.

Each of the members of the cast took a final bow as the curtains pulled closed in front of them while both Kurt and Finn stood and clapped wildly. Their hands were still stinging when they exited the theater and began the trek back to the restaurant.

"That was amazing. Amazing, Finn. We have to come back and see it after it opens." It was safe to say that Kurt enjoyed the play; Finn even thought that he saw him tear up at one point. "Rachel is incredible, isn't she?"

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