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From Joker-J

For THE AUTHOR!!!: Why did you start writing this story in the first place? Where did the inspiration come from?


Well, first off, I wanna thank you for the comments that came with your request ^-^

I can't really remember why I originally started writing this series. I think I just really fell in love with the idea of Miami Rick and Morty. But I will say this: I had a completely different plan for this. It was supposed to be just one book, and I had the entire set-up written out in the notes app on my iPod. But here's the thing. One day my iPod just shut down and wouldn't turn on at all. I contacted Apple and did a bunch of shit things to get it going, and it didn't work. I wound up factory resetting it and losing everything ;-;

I couldn't remember what all I wanted to write. I really just remembered the characters, the buildings, and the area. I had Morty, Rick, and Gary all memorized. Morty's apartment was pretty much the same, and Rick's house was the exact same. Gary was originally going to be Rick's roommate and everything. It was borderline Joker and Harley, in the original plans, hence the disclaimer at the very beginning of the first book that I neglected to take down.

Rick was supposed to be utterly terrifying, and Morty wasn't supposed to have time to practice or anything. The original plan was going to be that he would be thrown up on stage in an instant one day, with no warning. Gary wasn't supposed to be his friend. At all. He was supposed to be Rick's heartless right-hand man. Rick wasn't supposed to give any fucks. He was literally just going to use Morty, get to the top, and wind up getting the kid and himself killed at the end of the first book.

But, as everybody saw, this took a completely different path. However, the only reason I'm not giving the full rundown of the original plans is probably because I'm planning to finish the series and then write one book with the original idea, as soon as I'm done digging up all my old notes and piecing the original storyline back together. But it's harder than super-gluing a shattered bowl back together, let me tell you that.

But yea. I was just super obsessed with the Miami universe and the ideas that followed, and I tried to make it work but it was harder after losing my story notes halfway through writing, so I wound up trashing it all and restarting. Most of the chapters were changed up halfway through because I'd be writing and a song would come on that would influence my decisions and then suddenly instead of this fluffy chapter, I'd have characters kicking ass and taking names lmao

But it is a fun series to write. However, the third book makes me cringe just because I realized I left out half of the content I meant to include. So I actually might unpublish for a little while and re-add .-.

All in all, it's a fun series to write, and I love the comments and the awesome fan art that's coming out of the readers. I didn't think the book would do too well, but it's doing wonderfully. It just really surprised me, and I don't think I could ever put into words how thankful I am for the support.

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