Finding the Guards

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3, 2, 1. The ship reaches the portal and out we go to a whole new world of adventure. 

What me or the rest of the crew for that matter weren't expecting what'd be happening next.

We were expecting to be in the waters of East Blue near Fuushia where Rossweisse was last spotted whom we've come to retrieve on orders of Odin. We were half right.

We were in East Blue near Fuushia but...

Suspended in midair. "What the hell! We're literally sailing in the air. Azazel didn't warn me about this. I swear I'm going to smack him when I see him again. Is everyone okay?" I ask as I look down from the deck where I was standing at.

"We're fine captain if not a little woozy." Reported Irina. I say the ship was still intact as well so I jump down from my little perch and land on the deck.

"Well then, ladies and gentleman welcome to East Blue. Mittelt, map." I order her to hand me the map I had prepared before we set sail. I unfurl it and say, "Okay gang according to this map we're currently located in the weakest sea in the blues. About a month ago Odin sent one of his Valkyrie here to scout things out. Official records say that she was sent here as a way to establish possible territories but really he was just trying to get rid of her. From what I've read in her profile I don't blame the old coot."

"It looks like she's on the far side of the island in the jungle. We're going to be coming in through the port which will take us about 15 to 20 minutes of flying. Those of us who can't fly will guard the ship. We may be in weak waters but my resources tell me that one of the pirate leaders of this world who is practically a clone of Azazel frequently visits this village. Is everything clear?"

I get a resounding yes from the crew. "Alright then let's se-" I couldn't finish what I was going to say as I felt a sharp pain in my spine and watched as everyone else besides Arthur and Let Fae go through similar things and we all ended up falling over on the deck and passing out.

"'Tain, Captain, can you hear me?" I wake up to Let Fae shaking me and I see the others slowly rising.

"I'm fine Let Fae. How long have we been out?"

"About twenty minutes. Captain we don't know what happened until it was over. I think I may have an idea as to why this happened but you may want to look in a mirror first."

She then hands me a mirror as I look at her thoroughly confused until I see why she told me to look. Before we went through I as well as everyone else to use our human disguises since we were in our true forms before we left and now I see we'd been inadvertently changed back.

I had a theory as to why but I looked towards Le Fae to see if ours matched.

"It seems that the force divine power which shape and force the world, not star wars referencing just using it as a means, of this world has someone manipulated the structures of those who forms are beyond the normal reach of this world."

"That's just what I was thinking. It seems that this world has made it so we can't shift into our fake forms and it is making it so we can only maintain our actual ones. That might explain why Rossweisse is hiding in a jungle. Alright then, despite the surprise update of this world we're still continuing with the plan. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't concerning to me, but we all knew we'd be going in blind on this whole things, but all this means we just need to be careful. Irina take us into port, keep the flag out, this may be a peaceful village but it doesn't mean we should be afraid to show ourselves. While we're out one of you flip a coin or whatever and go out for supplies and prep the sick bay. You know how Asgardians are, even ones like her, this may get rough. And I don't mean for us."

Twenty minutes later we were at port and trekking through a jungle looking for an air headed silverette and if I read the report correctly a new crew member. Odin didn't say who but he said he's doing it as a sign of wanting to bridge a connection. Knowing Odin he's either pretty powerful or very lazy. Either way whatever's gonna happen next will involve a fight.

A Valkyrie I can handle but a god weak or not may be tricky.

"What the hell is taking so damn long?" I signal the others to halt as we hear an extremely pissed off voice shout. "I thought you said they'd be here by now you stupid Valkyrie."

Wait a minute I know that voice. But it can't be.

"I'm sorry Lord Tyr, Lord Odin said they'd be arriving at about now, I don't know what's keeping 'em." Yep that's him.

"Wow Ty, even after all this time you've still got that nasty temper of yours. Stand down Valkyrie we're the pirates the old man sent to find you two. Welcome to my crew. After about a minute or two you two will be officially part of the Angelic Pirates. As you can see we're all from the three factions, but we also have members of the Hero faction. So you can choose remain as you are or become either an angel, devil, or a fallen."

"Rossweisse, if I were you I'd hide behind one of the trees behind me. This is gonna get messy. The rest of you stand down, this'll be over in under a minute."

"Same rules as always then?"

"Same rules as always."

We then brought out our full auras and pushed it into our fists and then after a split second charged at each other and the second our fists met their was an explosive backlash that blew all the tress and everything else in the surrounding area that wasn't covered by the barrier put up by my crew.

We just stood there completely still for a moment or two until we both fell to our knees panting. "Nothing's changed old friend. We're still evenly matched."

"I'd expect nothing less from Odin's left hand man. You ready to go."

And in a bit of a surprise he did a complete 180 and said in a positive way "Yep. It was getting so boring waiting around for you guys. Next time you plan a rendezvous don't take so god damn long. Come on Ross we've got a new home to get to."

We turn to her and see her standing stock still with her mouth open anime style. "Unbelievable." I walk up to her and tap her head activating a rune on my finger which only appears when I will it and teleport her to the med bay like I ordered as I saw this situation coming. I then flick Tyr in the head knocking him out and sending him to the med bay.

"Let's go. I said extending my wings fully and flying off towards the ship leaving my as stunned as a Valkyrie crew behind.

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