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Third person POV~

There was a little girl around the age of three, h/c hair flowing behind her e/c eyes shining brightly. "DADDY DADDY LOOK!" she shouted with glee, "What is it darling?" Her dad the demon Lord himself ZALGO asks softly. "Daddy look I have wings" you yell in joy your wings were different one was a black demon bat-ish looking one, while the other was white and feathery. (dont know if that's a word meh) "Dear you shall go into training right away to learn how to fly ok?, Ok good training starts tomorrow" your father demanded. "Yes father" you said and ran to you room which was black and red because your dad designed it for you.


It has been 13 years since that day you are now 16 (so sorry if that's not your age), right now you are arguing with your father he wants you to marry some guy that you barely know.

Your POV~

This mother trucker wants me to marry someone I just met OH HELL NAW "Y/N YOU ARE MARRYING HIM WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT""FUDGE YOU SCUMBAG NO WAY AM I MARRYING A TOTAL STRANGER NOW EXCUSE IM GOING TO MY ROOM" I retorted stomping to my room slamming the door as hard as I could. I finally had enough of him bossing me around this is the first time I yelled at him to be honest I was always an introvert I never liked talking to no one and when I did I always stuttered and still do. I'm going to pack my things and leave its decided maybe I'll find uncle slender I haven't seen him since I was five.


After packing you things you wrote a letter to your dad telling him your not coming back. After setting it on your bed you headed towards the portal room and walked through it. Then as you entered the over-world (you lived in hell) you were tackled to the ground by.......

Hello :3 author-Chan here, I just wanted to say sorry for the cliffhanger but you can comment a guess of who you think it is bai!!!

The daughter of Zalgo(creepypasta x demon angel reader)Where stories live. Discover now