2- he knows

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"Congratulations, sis!!" I bellowed running to Sam, hugging her when the ceremony was finally done. "You are officially a high school graduate" I cheered.

"Hey, don't you think hugged her enough. It's time for the person she actually loves and cares about to congratulate her" Jake said pulling out a bouquet of lilies, Samantha's favorite then kissing her cheek. "Congratulations, babe."

I gagged at them, while Samantha laughed at me and Jake poked his tongue out. I then walked away giving them some space.

For the past three years that's what would I always do. Walk away. When I told Jake that our relationship would never change, I was wrong. All those times with me were sliced in half or maybe even a quarter, he was sometimes too busy to hang out with me, for having a girlfriend, and practices. But I didn't try that much either, I distracted myself with school work, always studying locked in my room and to add avoid more of him, I tried Akido to vent out my frustrated feelings for him, at first it was just a trial, something to do during the summer while Jake and Samantha were away with some friends. But I learned to love it plus i learned to defend myself along the way. I could kicked somebody's ass. Eventually, we no longer the best friends we were that would always, always hangout. I spend more time with Jill and her girlfriend Mandy than with Jake.


"I can't believe my baby is leaving us. It was only yesterday you were taking your first steps" Mom gushed holding a little dress, as Dad and me, along with Jake packed the things and put them into my sister's car.

"Seriously, Mom I going to be home for breaks and I'll skype you whenever I can." Samantha laugh as she gave one of the boxes to Jake.

"But why can't you live here with us. Mags and your dad are crying their eyes out because you decided to leave us"

I snorted quietly, while Dad looked amused with Mom's overdramatic antics. Samantha rolled her eyes. "I really doubt that. Mags quite ecstatic that I'm gone now seeing she gets my collection of books, some my clothes and much more"

Mom ignored and continued fake crying. When the final of the load was done. It finally dawned on me that Samantha, my sister was leaving. Leaving home. I felt sad and was already missing her. Dad also realized the same and a tear came out but he quickly wipes it appearing sterner. Samantha, hugged and kissed every one of us, hushed whispers of 'missed you', 'love you' and 'take care' filled the quiet lawn of the Hawkins house. The last one to be hugged was Jake. The already said their goodbyes last night. I looked away and felt a little, a tiny bit of tugged in my heart as they kissed and embrace tightly.

Three years have passed by but it still hurts.

"It's just one year" he said. "One year of this and we'll be together again" he assured. Cradling her face gently and kissing the top of her crown.

Sam wipe her tears and nodded. "One year"

As she entered her car, saying goodbye and starting her engine. She went, we waved until the last silhouette of her. And then. She was gone. Mom and Dad went back inside but Jake and I stood looking at the sun setting down.

"God, I'm going to miss her" he said choking on his words.

I smiled. "Me too"


First day of senior high. This felt monumental. I was scared but excited at the same. I wore my newest clothes, brush my hair and braided it beautifully, put a little bit of makeup and had the best breakfast ever. I opened my car door when Jake honked and my eyes turned to him.

"Morning" greeting him.

"Hey for old times' sake, wanna join me" he said.

I thought it for a while and debated doing it. This was the first time in three years he offered me again to ride with him. Ever since he and Sam began dating, I always declined feeling I was third wheeling. I was about to decline again when he gave his most famous puppy pout eyes. Oh, I can't believe him, he so knows I have a weakness for that. I sighed. "Fine"

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