♥︎ rules ♥︎

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[Before anything]

Please add this book to your library if you're interested at all! That way, you'll get notifications whenever I update~


Follow me, pretty please? This one isn't a necessity, but it'd be very much appreciated.


Please fill the form neatly and don't leave any blanks. The more organized and full it is, the faster your character will be taken in.


You can only send 6 forms at most!!! If you send more than that, I'll ask you which ones you'dlike to delete. There is a maximum of characters accepted for the story, after all.


I beg of you all, be nice to each other. And to me. This is for our enjoyment, after all! If I see anyone being rude, disrespetful, lying, etc., I'll delete their characters immediately. No exceptions.


Instagram!!! Where most info or news about the book/characters will be posted :))) follow for more info, and also- you MUST follow/contact this account if you have a character for this book. 



One letter in each paragraph is highlighted. These letters make a word. Add the password at the bottom of your form for it to be accepted~

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