Chapter 2- Monica & Jesse

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Jesse's POV
It had been a long day of filming for me I started at 4am and didn't end until 10pm and all I wanted to do was go home to my gorgeous girlfriend who was lucky to get the day off filming but wasn't happy when I had to leave so early this morning. As I walked to my car I pulled my phone out to text Monica
"Hey gorgeous finally finished filming did you want me to get anything on the way home?? Love you xx"
I think she's been holding her phone again because she reply came almost instantly.
"Hey baby, no thanks I'm okay. The only thing I need is you in the other side of this bed like now because it's colder without you xx"
I couldn't help but smile when I read the message but I couldn't reply because I had just started driving. I had just gotten in the door and finished taking off my jacket and was about to call Monica when I felt some warm arms wrap around my waist that made my heart melt. I turned around and got lost in her beautiful brown eyes.
"Your gorgeous you know that right?" I told her
"Hmm your better" She replies
I couldn't help but notice how tired she looked and even though I was hungry all I wanted to do was curl up with her in my arms and fall asleep.
"Come on lets go to bed you look tired and I'm exhausted" She looked up at me and smiled and replied with her cute little
"Only if you carry me"
I didn't have to told twice, in one quick moment her legs were wrapped around my waist and arms around my neck while her head was nestled perfectly into the crook of my neck. As soon as we were in bed Monica was asleep facing me and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable and calm she looked. She makes me feel safe when she's in my arms and with that I gave her a kiss on the head and before I knew I was asleep.

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