Chapter 8- Nightmares

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Gabby's PoV
I woke to Matt whimpering and sweating uncontrollably I didn't know what was going on with him he's been acting weird for the last few days but he won't tell me what's wrong. I place my hand on his arm and gently shook him awake to drag him out of whatever nightmare he was currently having. He woke suddenly with the tears threatening to spill from his eyes he sat up and faced away from me, he hates looking weak in front of me I really don't know why.
"Matt?? Is everything okay?" I asked as I pulled the blanket off me so I could go and sit next to him.
"Yeah I'm fine" he replies with a shaky voice.
I know he's lying but I don't want to push him so I wrap my arms around him and pull his head to my chest and he breaks down again sobbing uncontrollably into my shirt.

Matt's PoV
"Matt, is everything okay?" I hear Gabby ask in a soft voice, I hate looking weak in front of her but right now I can't help it the tears are streaming down my face faster than I can stop them.
"Yeah I'm fine" I lie knowing that she won't push it but still she comforts me by pulling me into her chest where I start to sob uncontrollably yet again.
"It's all my fault... it's my fault he's gone, I shouldn't have left the damn keys on the counter" I choke out between sobs.
I know Gabby knows what I'm taking about she just won't know why it's come up again because I haven't told her that today is the anniversary of my dads death it's been 25 years since he died... 25 years since my mother killed him.

Gabby's PoV
I hear Matt say something between sobs and I know exactly what he's taking about but it's not his fault there was no way he knew that his mother would take the keys and kill his father, I don't understand why he still blames himself
"Babe it's not your fault I know you think it is, but it's not okay? I wish there was something I could do to make you believe that I really do"
"It's 25 years today Gabby, 25 since she murdered him, I loved him so much" he whispered as he continued to cry....

We stayed in the same position for half an hour until Matt started to calm down
"Come on let get back to bed, I'll call chief later and tell him we aren't coming in today" and with that Matt and I climbed back into bed he snaked his arms around me and pulled me as close as possible to him as if he was trying to protect me, I didn't mind though i just glad he was with me and not by himself
"I love you Matt, I always will" I said quietly as he drifted back off to sleep
Sorry it's taken so long to update I kinda forgot about this book until one of my close friend and I think the only one that reads this book brought my attention back to it!! Hope this chapter is okay not really sure as to why this particular part of the Dawsey storyline jumped into my head but I've been thinking about it for a few days and decided to write about it!! Enjoy
Please send your ideas and I'll try to write about them xx

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