That's The Heart Of a King👑

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I live with my grandmother and siblings in a certain village since both my parents were forced by situation to live in the city. See, village life has never been simple neither simplified. Development is rare, the government has always considered the urban than the rurals, no sporting facilities. My grandmother fears God a lot, and so does everyone else that lives under her roof. She believes that everything that happens was meant to be, that its not because of witchcraft or people, but the Plans of the Almighty.

My Grandfather on my father's side is a preacher. So the Christianity lifestyle is on both my parent's families. Basically i grew up knowing God, Jesus, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I always had the same question everytime I thought about Jesus. So one day it happened that i asked my grandfather , 'You always tell me that he loves me, he takes care of me, he protects, lookout and guide me, he is always with me... But where exactly is he? Coz i cant even see him?'I asked. And with a great laughter he replied,, 'Ow dear daughter of the Most High, He is with us indeed, and within us, He is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, The holy spirit'he repeated. And i came into realisation that Jesus was not human, or might be human but he isn't visible, but he is a spirit that lives within us when we accept him as our Lord and Saviour. Ow, I never introduced myself , Im Esmeralda.

I hope you will enjoy my story.
Love, Esmeralda 💝

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