Chapter 1: Surprising

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{Caesar's POV}

The sun shone brightly outside. It was a rather cool day though, with the shade of trees and their fort to save his apes from the heat.

Caesar was sitting on a ledge crafted from logs and branches, Rocket at his side. 'When will Blue Eyes and Cornelius return?' Caesar looked over at his friend as he signed. He briefly rested a hand on his shoulder before signing in return. 'As the sun sets, they will return. Before it gets completely dark.' Blue Eyes had taken Cornelius out on a hunting trip for smaller animals. If they'd wanted something bigger, they'd have to leave the massive oasis, but a trip like that wasn't in order until a few more days.

Rocket smiled gently, then signed again. 'I am happy. It has been three winters, and we are at peace.'

Caesar nodded. It had been three years since they escaped the Colonel and his horrible camp, and things had been great. No threats, so he no longer had to exert himself like befofe. That was relief, because being shot by the crossbow archer left him weaker. The arrow had an exit wound, so it was easy to take out, but after he healed he was never the same. His right side always ached a little, and it was harder to move, but not so much that it bothered him terribly unless he strained himself. Plus, he was simply getting old.

'We escaped the humans. Hopefully, we will not see any besides Nova for a long time.' Nova had a good heart, but those unfortunately were rare these days. Caesar sighed before getting up. 'I am going to find Maurice.' He nodded once to Rocket before turning and leaving, making his way down the wooden structure and out into the open encampment. Looking around, he saw Maurice finishing up with a lesson with the young apes. As the class ended, he walked over. 'Hello, Maurice.'

'Hello, Caesar.'

The two friends went to find a place to sit, others immediately making way for Caesar. Upon sitting in one of their favorite spots, some large trees protecting them from the sun, Maurice was quiet for a moment before signing. 'This is Cornelius' first hunt?'

'Yes.' Caesar paused for a moment before continuing. 'But it isn't like it's hunting deer. Blue Eyes is taking him to catch squirrels and fish.' Cornelius was growing nicely, and would be able to hunt with the other tribe members soon, but he still had a ways to go. A sigh escaped his lips. One day, Blue Eyes would inherit the kingdom he'd created, and Caesar could truly relax.

'Some apes here used to say that Blue Eyes was secretly another Koba.'

Caesar turned to look at Maurice, but didn't respond. When Koba had been alive, he'd temporarily brainwashed his son into following him and feeding him lies. His son had been favored almost as much as Grey. Shaking his head, he finally responded. 'My son will never be like Koba. Neither were raised by humans like I was, but I raised my son. He did not learn to hate so horribly like Koba did.'

Maurice simply nodded, turning to look toward the body of water the oasis had. 'How does it feel to know you be will a grandfather soon?'

Caesar chuckled. 'Old. It makes me feel old.' His son Blue Eyes and his wife Lake were going to be parents soon. Smiling softly, he contented himself with watching his kingdom. It was no longer just a tribe. It had grown into something much larger over the years. The adults were growing older, and the young had grown into adults to have their own young.

'D you still think about them?'

Caesar looked over at Maurice. The orangutan had asked him that same question many years ago. He nodded to his friend like last time, signing to him. 'Sometimes.'

Koba's Planet of the Apes (Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now