Chapter 11: Scrimmage

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{Koba's POV}

After some time to rest and recover, Koba had taken another group out to scrounge up some more guns. However, he also ordered that more weapons be made just in case they ran out of bullets or something as well as knowing there would not be enough guns for everyone.

The trip had been fruitful, and Koba was beginning to feel excited. As the group came back to camp, he walked over to them to see what they had brought, nodding slowly. This was good. Looking over, he signed. 'Put this with the others, except one. I'll need one.' As the group left, he was handed a gun. He smirked slightly, then looked as Devon walked over, Biscuit following close behind. 'What are you up to, Koba?'

Koba grunted. 'Need these guns soon. Have plan.' After so much time of just talking about plans, he was finally acting on it. Devon looked unsure, his blue gaze trained on him. Koba huffed. "Will be going over plan later today. You will be there for it, but will not be going with me. Safe here." Devon looked worried at that, asking "Will it not be safe out-" He went quiet when Koba gave him a look. The human almost pouted, murmuring "I just don't like you being in danger, Koba..." The bonobo sighed, gaze softening ever so slightly. Then, he was hugging Devon, who blinked in surprise before hugging him back. Koba was quiet for a moment before answering. "Will be fine." Open battle wasn't what he had in mind, so hopefully none of his tribe would be getting hurt at all. No, the only ones getting hurt would be the enemy. He smirked slightly before pulling away from Devon, green gaze meeting blue. "Be careful," Devon murmured softly, causing Koba to sigh. He then nodded before signing. 'Let's go meet the others. The plan will be discussed again there.' He walked with Devon to their usual sitting place in the public eye of the camp, a few already there to meet them.

Gray watched them both sit down. 'So, what is the plan?' Koba looked among them before raising his hands. 'We will go to Caesar's home. Watch and wait. Watch their patterns. Then, we will attack. Catch them off guard.'

The others seemed to consider the idea, and Koba watched them carefully. Then, Otis spoke up. 'Use guns first. Take out as many as we can before they can fight back.'

Gray also contributed. 'Keep our distance so they can't hit back fast.'

Koba snorted. He didn't like the idea, but knew it was best despite wanting to attack head on. A surprise attack would provide more benefit. More deaths. He smiled slightly. Then, he looked over as Devon raised his hands. 'And what then, when they recover?' The human looked over at Koba, who snorted. "We will get close before they can recover. Strike fast and take out as many as we can. Go for their weapons stock." Thus the need for spying. Watching. Learning any patterns they had so they could grab an advantage. If they could overwhelm them early, then a win would be much easier.

"Two weeks," Koba growled softly. "We will attack in two weeks, but start spying now." Looking at Otis, he said "Take three with you. Just watch. Do not attack." Even though he wanted them dead. That would come in time though, for those who would not be kept as slaves. He smirked to himself before turning to Devon, who leaned against him quietly. Otis got up and left to go collect his group, and Koba turned to Gray. "You will go there in three days to relieve them of the shift, and then they bring information back to me. This cycle repeats." Gray nodded slowly before turning to look away.

It was annoying to wait, but eventually the time came. No one had been caught, and a good idea of patterns and patrols had been formed. Koba's apes were ready for an attack, currently preparing to leave. Most of them anyway. There were still some who would stay behind. As Koba hopped up onto his horse, he watched Devon walk over, Biscuit in his arms. They shared a gaze, and Devon murmured "Be careful." Koba merely sighed before turning away. It had been decided the human would not go, even though there would likely be wounded.

The group was eventually leaving the area, both on horseback and on foot. Koba was at the front of the group, with Gray and Otis on either side, leading their huge group toward conflict. Finally. They were moving to attack, just like he had been promising them as well as himself. There wasn't even anything happening yet and he was already excited. As they moved toward their new destination, he glanced over as Grey raised his hands to sign.

'It is finally happening.'

Koba nodded. "We have watched them. Their patterns. We are smarter. Will crush them." And when the battle was won, he would take his place as the king of all apes, with Caesar as his prisoner. He smirked at the thought. "Caesar will finally pay for what he did to us. Cast us out like nothing. Will make him see we are not nothing." Yes, they would make him see. And, Koba would not kill him, surprisingly. Despite having wanted to for the longest time, he realized that would be too easy. No, he would keep Caesar alive so he could watch as Koba punished his kingdom for following a weak leader. A traitor.

'Koba rightful leader.'

The bonobo nodded before turning ahead again.

It would soon be time to begin, Koba looking around at the familiar area. He'd gone on a few trips to scout and spy as well, along with what he remembered from the times journeying to Caesar's land. Multi-colored gaze shifting, he eventually held his hand out, and felt the weight and cold of metal. A gun. Looking over at it, he stared for a moment. A long moment before looking ahead again. Then, he was off of his horse. It would be quiet this way. Making his way through the trees, he was silent. Only ten followed him. The rest were to get into position. Into position to spill blood.

It took a while, but he eventually found what he was looking for. Koba, for now, wanted anyone from his enemy's group to feel pain. Lots of it. A smirk split his lips, fangs glinting as he saw one of Caesar's apes in the distance, just perched on a branch, facing away from him. Weakling. You should be keeping a better eye and ear out. Koba silently growled before looking over at Gray, who had come up beside him. 'Good so far. Everyone getting into position. No bad signs. Usual patrol patterns.'

Koba nodded once, then continued to watch. 'On your signal.' On his signal indeed. His tribe would be nothing without him. Nowhere without him. Raising his gun, his head tilted. All he had to do was pull the trigger. One flex of the finger, and so much would change. His apes had spent time studying every inch and bit of the enemy they could, and he had a feeling it would pay off. It had to, and it would. A smirk split his lips.


The unsuspecting ape seemed to move in slow motion. At first he jerked, a quick movement followed by swaying. Teetering almost. His wide eyes blinked slowly in confusion, and then fear. He'd stood up, a hand gripping the trunk beside him for bearing. Mouth gaping, he coughed up some blood before falling. Lurching forward, his eyes rolled as his muscles became slack. Koba growled in satisfaction as he fell, smacking into the ground with a dull thud. After taking a moment to admire his kill, feeling a rush, he was quiet for a moment before quickly turning to those who had accompanied him. 'Let's go!'

And so they did, following him as he quickly left the scene. If his predictions were correct, Caesar would have sent others to investigate the noise, and the first part of the plan would start. And when others came running, they would be met with bullets and blades. Then, when a bunch of the settlement was heading over to what seemed a small attack, more waves would come way.

Adrenaline. So much of it, and the scent of fresh death helped to fuel him. It was time to cause more of it.

Koba's Planet of the Apes (Book 1) {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora