Chapter 8 : apologies and make ups..

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Bellas GroupChat
Fat Amy : What's up pitches
Beca : seriously what's the need for this?
Chloe : it'll be fun
Beca : .......
Aubrey : uGh fgs
CR : Bechloe is being distant
Emily : Aubrey what's up?
Chloe  She's mad because me and beca are kind of on good terms
Beca : .....
Fat Amy : according to beca you're not
Chloe : we are aren't we Becs..:.
Emily : Chlo message me

(Between Chloe and Emily)
Emily : did she tell you about her mum..
Chloe : no she never talks about her :(
Emily : her mum always said she didn't love her and her mum used her dad for kids because no one else would have them with her but then she left all the kids except 2 with Beca's dad.
Chloe : oh shit......:
Emily : maybe you should talk to her

No messages
Knock knock , Chloe was knocking on Beca's new room. 'Beca it's Chloe....' chloe soft voice said. Beca took her headphones off and walked to the door. She opened it slightly but not fully so Chloe couldn't enter. 'Emily just told me about your mum..and if that's why you don't trust me again I'm not like that I promise I swear' Chloe said trying to reach for Beca's hand. Beca's eyes filled up with tears she hardly ever cried. 'i...I'm sorry I didn't tell you' beca said. She stepped away from the door. She was wearing Chloe's hoodie that she'd stolen from her the other day before they'd fell out. Chloe pushed the door open and wrapped her arms around Beca's neck. Beca wrapped her arms around chloes waist and smiled slightly. Aubrey walked out of her room and past beca and Chloe 'ugh' she muttered and walked down the stairs. 'Aubrey...' Beca said letting go of Chloe and standing at the banister at the top of the landing. 'What?' Aubrey said sharply. 'Can we speak maybe....?' Beca asked. Chloe gave beca a look as if to say don't do that but beca ignored her. 'Yeah come with me now I'm only going to get coffee and pizza' she said replying to beca looking up at her and Chloe on the landing. Beca smiled and grabbed some shoes and pecked Chloe on the lips and ran downstairs following Aubrey out the door.

They got into the car. 'Aubre...' beca began 'no beca listen please hear me out , okay I'm sorry what I said I hadn't had the best of days and I guess I'm just not use to seeing Chloe with girls' she said. Beca looked at Aubrey 'I'd never hurt her you know..' she said replying to Aubrey's comment. 'Yeah I know that , you're a nice girl sometimes' Aubrey said. Beca laughed. 'I love her really. But I think we've both ruined it and you didn't help...' beca said. 'You haven't I promise let me speak to Chloe I'll sort things out even more than what they are I'll apologise and give my blessing or some shit' Aubrey said. Beca smiled 'thankyou' she said and she turned on the radio. Aubrey kept skipping the songs 'skip skip skip these songs are shocking' Aubrey said laughing. Beca giggled as Aubrey pulled into the drive thru of StarBucks which was new. 'can I please have a decaf cappuccino and a ....' She looked at Beca 'caramel ice frappe' beca nodded. Aubrey knew her order that was something I guess. Aubrey didn't stop for pizza she decided she was just going to order it they began to drive home. Aubrey's phone beeped. 'Will you get that for me' Aubrey asked. beca picked up the phone it was from Chloe "be nice you absolute bitch because I swear if you ruin our relationship even more....ugh also please please can I have my spot back on the bellas ;)" beca read the texts aloud so aubrey could here it "Hey Chlo, everything's fine and sorted need to speak when we get home see you soon..." beca wrote exactly what Aubrey told her to and sent it.

They got home about 10 minutes later Beca decided she was going to quickly run to campus to see if Emily was in any lessons because she remembered Emily had some classes today. Aubrey went straight inside and was talking to Chloe. Beca came home and the door was still wide open. Her heart was pounding she didn't want another bitch fight but she was sure she wouldn't of had to deal with that again. But it turned out Emily wasn't on campus so she must've been in the house or with Stacie. As beca reached the door the redhead ran and jumped into her arms. She was hugging her so tightly Beca nearly began to struggle to breathe. 'I love you so much Beca Mitchell' Chloe's voice whispered into her ear. 'I love you to Chloe Beale' she whispered back and carried Chloe into the house. Once they were in the house Beca but Chloe back to the ground and Chloe kissed Beca. Beca smiled within the kiss. Aubrey coughed breaking up the kiss 'oh no sorry I didn't mean it to break up the kiss' she laughed. Beca walked over to Aubrey and hugged her 'thankyou' She said

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