Poppy Seok-jin

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Name: Poppy Seok-jinAge: 19

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Name: Poppy Seok-jin
Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Personality: silly, joyfull, likes almost everything to do with ice skating 
Likes: dancing, ice skating, her brother, cookies, hot chocolate, and cats
dislikes: being lazy, being sick, and storms
fears: losing her family and friends, storms, spiders, the ocean, the dark, and rejection

Bio: she is Jin's little sister she dances with BTS sometimes so they are like family her nickname is baby because she is younger than the youngest Jungkook being 20, she had a great life Jin is loving and a sweetheart.

Single: yes
taken: no
crushing: Yes
Crush: J-hope

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