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Age: 23

sexuality: bisexual

personality: she is shy but she is a bubbly giggly girl, she is a little which means she likes acting younger than her age it lets her become unstressed and not as depressed anymore, it lets her relax. like she 23 and she likes acting 4 or 5. she can wake up and act like her age or she can wake up acting like a 4 year old, she have blankets, onsies, pacifiers, coloring books, little kid toys. she can be her age and regress (meaning randomly turn into a little) and she needs a caregiver like a parent or guardian. that treats her for her. loves her for her. Caregivers shouldn't ignore her like real parents do.

likes: little kid things. ice cream, Disney movies, bunnies, the color pink, cuddles, and candy

dislikes: not being loved, being ignored, nap time, scary things, the dark, and bugs

Bio: when she was 18 she found out she was a little, she was in a relation ship and her boyfriend found out and called her disgusting and told her to act her age and not a baby. After he found out he abused her and then broke up with her.  she has been living by herself and now she can act like herself until she met 8 people, 7 men and 1 girl. she has hidden it from them for a long time. 

her pacifier 

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her pacifier 

her pacifier 

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