Chpt 1: Searching and Solitude

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"Nam Shin Yong." I have to say my name every once in awhile. You'd be surprised at how much you might forget being in almost total solitude for three years. I celebrated my sixteenth birthday alone about a month ago. Well not celebrated, but you get the idea.

I made a clicking noise with my mouth and urged my horse forward. We trekked through the dense forest and let the calls of nature sound around us. The wind rustling through the trees, soft sounds of bird up in the branches, the crunch of leaves under Kaiji's (my horse) hooves, the occasional clink of my sheathed sword against the saddle.

Moving through the dense forest, I could hear the sound of rushing water coming closer. I closed my eyes and let the sound drift through the area. "Hey get back here!" My eyes shot open. That didn't sound right. I thought I was alone. At a My clicking noise, Kaiji rushed off in the direction I pulled the reins. We swiftly moved through the trees and closer to the river and the sounds of some kind of brawl. "Whoa," I muttered. Dismounting, I stood behind a tree and studied the scene. There were about three large men kicking a boy who had fallen into the river. Little areas of the water were red from the cuts on his face. The boy's cries were cut off from the water and blows to his stomach. I unsheathed my sword and walked to bank.

"Step away from boy." Only one turned his head. "Move along little girl. This does not concern you." He turned back and gave the boy a hard blow to the face. "Hey!" They all turned as my voice boomed across the rocks. The boy lay there and managed to move his face from above the water, gasping for air. "I said step away from him. You have no right to beat him senseless!" I took a step in to the water and the edges of my tunic skirt darkened from the creek. "We caught him on our land. We have all the right." One of the others said.

The third gave me a dark look. "We technically should do the same thing to you." They all started lurking towards me. I saw one pull a dagger from behind his back. Launching into action, I lunged forward and took the hilt of my sword to the third man's head. Seeing a flash of silver I moved my head to the side and brought my sword across my body to slash the brute's shoulder, causing him to drop the weapon. The remaining man grabbed me from behind and let the other stand up. He landed a good blow or two to my face. "Didn't your mother teach you never to hit a lady. Especially one of true blood." I muttered under my breath. I kicked backwards and he fell on his knees into the water. I scrambled away looking in the stream until I found the knife. Seeing him come towards me, I positioned my blade in front of my body at a perfect defense angle and held the dagger above my head.

The man unsheathed his own blade and attacked. Metal clashed upon metal and sparks flew. I pushed the knife up and twisted it so his blade was caught. Knocking my head against his, he stumbled back. I slashed the small blade across his cheek, drawing blood. Throwing my leg around, it came into contact with his skull and he collapsed in the water.

I heard a noise and saw the boy was trying to crawl back to the other shore. A panicked look came to my face as the last man ran to him. "Hey, dumbass!" The man turned towards me, as well as the boy. I tossed the knife up catching it by the blade and threw the weapon. Watching it turn over and over threw the air until it connected with its target straight into his chest. The burly man collapsed into the water, face first.

I sheathed my sword, but kept the dagger by my side. I pushed the body further downstream and let the water carry it. I walked back to the boy who was still struggling to pull himself up. I grabbed his shoulder and flipped him over putting the dagger to his neck.

"I saved you. But that doesn't mean you aren't dangerous. Who are you?" He only looked to the bank and I saw a leather satchel with some sort of royal seal. He must be a knight or squire of a near by kingdom. I turned back to boy, my face inches from his. His brown eyes were frightened and slightly dazed over as he stared into my green ones. His head dropped a couple of times before I felt his body go limp in my arms.

"Damn it." I set him down gently and stood up. Turning, I whistled and Kaiji came to my side I clicked and pulled down on the reins and he kneeled. It took all of my strength, but I hoisted the injured boy across the saddle. Kaiji stood back up. Walking over, I grabbed the bag, sword, and overcoat that lay on the bank. Placing my foot in the stirrup, I lifted my weight over and onto the horse. I sat behind the boy made sure he didn't fall off. Clicking I lead Kaiji back to the trail we were on, but at a slightly faster pace. A groan escaped from the boy. His still wet hair bounced across his face. "If I wasn't for my stupid conscience, I would have left this moaning mess." I looked down. "Well, he doesn't seem dangerous. Now to find somewhere for the night..."  Looking back up, I turned off the trail and slowed Kaiji down. Another hour of riding and we would be far enough away from the men to stop, so I could take care of the boy. It would only take me a few days off reaching my destination. Then I could continue my search.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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