A short thing I wrote

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((It was originally posted on my conversation page but I figured more people would see it if I put it in an actual work of mine. I tend to write these short things a lot but I have never posted one before. So give me your feed back!))

The camera slowly zooms in on a building. You wouldn't see it if you didn't look close enough. But there was a girl. She wasn't hiding, or at least she wasn't trying to. But to her, hiding in plain sight was natural.

The young girl closed her eyes and inhaled quietly. She could feel the shadows all around her. And at the moment nothing mattered. Not even the murder going on in the alley way below. Her eyes slowly opened.

Anyone could tell she was waiting. It was the way her body seemed to tense and then loosen at every noise she heard, as though she was prepared to attack.

Truth was, if she wanted she didn't need to fight herself if she didn't want to. She let two of her fingers rest against the hard rocky surface of the roof. She closed her eyes again, after all she didn't need them to see.

She reached deep down into the energy she needed to use her powers and in a split second she could see everything. Well it was more like a shadow world, but you get the idea.

She knew that her associates would get here soon and she knew that the bastards they made a deal with wouldn't be holding there end of the bargain.

And that's why she's there. She "saw" the two men enter the alley way and slowly approach her associates. The two woman one on the other roof and one in the ally, each named Cookie and Ty respectively, were prepared.

After all they had been taught that being unprepared was a sure way to loose a fight. The young girl didn't listen as Ty taunted the young men. She didn't even listen when Cookie dropped down from the roof to flirt with the two men in order to steal the goods they needed without them noticing.

But she did start listening when she heard the sounds of another man quickly approaching the alley. In a split instant the shadows around her flew towards her and formed graceful wings on her back and she gracefully glided down landing in the shadows silently.

She followed the man as he attempted to take down Cookie. Attempted being the key word. Cookie held her own really well. It was when the other men that they had called in for back up arrived that they started having some trouble.

The young girl in the shadows simply turned her foot inwards and a hundred shadow beings popped up ready to serve there mistress. She gave the signal and they all attacked.

It was a free for all. Blood was spilt, body counts piled up, swords were drawn. Well not just swords. Who do you think they were, they weren't gonna bring blades to a gun fight. No the brought a fucking machete! And of course a few missile launchers. The three girls really loved there toys.

By the end of the battle all of them, Cookie, Ty, and the shadow girl I mean, managing to get the goods and walk away mildly unharmed. The rest on the other hand were either dead or near dead.

After all it's a kill or be killed world. And if you're not willing to kill, then guess what?

You'll be killed in an instant.

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