Chapter 4- Clues

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I've been even more silent lately.  I'd rarely talk to Ichigo and Kanoko,  though I find myself talking to Munich more often.  Probably because of his Feminine  Ego, Juni.

He said he found a few clues regarding to Kemoto. Some rumors say that he Left The country.  some say he Just ran away and didn't want to return.

I decided to Go and visit Aruto if he Found about anything interesting

"took you a while" He Says. "Well obviously,  I have school too ya know.  And anyways don't you go as well? "

He shook his head "no. just dropped out"

A drop out?  "But why?  Don't you need to go to college or something? "

"It's none of your business,  Anyways I found a few things that might interest you,  in regards of Kemoto" He claims

"Kemoto Akio. A member of the Akio family,  one of the noble ones that's for sure" Aruto Continues "Apparently he ran away from his family and lives alone on his Apartment"

So he was part of a noble family huh...  No wonder he looks cu-

"So why do you want to find this Kemoto guy? All your friends gave up looking for him" He asks.  I look at him with a serious glare "I don't know... I just didn't want to give up"

Aruto looks at me back,  Able to see his eye through his mask, I Wonder why they look familiar...

When I came home,  I went to my room immediately and looked at the bulletin board.  "Hmmm... " I wondered, The last time I saw Kemoto was that...  Confession,  but I had to reject him because-


I don't know why I rejected him...  It all came to me so fast it just... Too much pressure...

This Thursday me and Junichi decided to try and visit Kemoto's Apartment. Just to his Past.. .

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