Dear my brain

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I lie in bed, awake still as I take note that everyone around me is asleep.  I couldn't tell them what had happened. Not with all of them there. I'm not ready to say anything and I probably won't ever be able to say it anyway.

The truth is,
I have a crush on jack.
I say crush because it's small, well it was, I'm trying to keep it that way but it's hard when I'm in a band with him and I see him everyday.
Rye and Mikey are the couple in the band. We can't have another one. We technically shouldn't even have one.

These past few nights I would sleep in the same bed with jack, my excuse being I felt anxious and we would hug all night.
I think he knows how I feel but I can't tell if he feels the same. We keep silent on The topic, joking about it here and there but I know it'll only stay that way.

I get panic attacks when I think about it too much. The idea of me not being able to properly kiss him and tell him how cute he's being when I really want to, is heart breaking but I'll deal with it.
We kiss on the cheek but it's a sign of friendship, close friendship, I guess?

Either way, I can't stop thinking about him even though he's right across from me I feel like we are so far away.


seeing brook like that today made me so freaked out. I'm sitting with my back facing the room as I look at the wall and contemplate the thoughts running through my head.

Why does it bother me so much when he cries? I know it's concern for my friend but it feels different.

Why do I love being near him as much as I do?
I love being with the other lads too but brook is different.

And lastly but the scariest out of all,

Why do I look at him and want to lean in?
Why do I want his arm to wrap around me and stay there?
Why do I want to talk to him until early hours of the morning about nothing interesting?
Why do I like him as much as I do?
Do I tell him how I feel?

The answer will always be no. I know I felt this way for months and my 'crush' is only getting bigger but I won't share that. It'll be a little thing my brain can fantasise about.
That is until the next time he kisses my cheek, or smiles at me, looks at me, literally breathes.

I just wish I could be with him right now.
But I can't. I never will be.

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now