tears with mom

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Mikeys pov

"What the hell was that?!" The second we step off stage blair starts yelling.

"Blair, cool it, it was just a dare"
Andy says and puts his hands up.

"No. Never again will that happen. How could you ruin your career over a stupid fucking relationship" blair says getting closer and closer to rye. Both getting angrier in the second.

"Get out of my face" Rye whispers. Giving blair a chance to end this. Which of course, doesn't go the right way.
Blair swings and hits rye right in the jaw.

This again?! Are you fucking kidding.

Rye  throws a punch to his left eye and blair takes the hit before pushing rye and I grab hold of him turning him and running. I locked us into the dressing room and start packing our bags fast while rye paces behind me. I'm jumping around the room getting everything so we can get out of here now.

I unlock the door and look out. No ones there.

I close the door and drop our bags and walk to rye.

He turns and faces me as I call him. He looks beaten down. His jaw bruising slightly.

"I'm so sorry" he whispers before breaking down into tears. I can see the pain leaking out of every tear and gasp he lets out. He put his hands over his face and his body goes weak. I run to him and walk him back to the couch and rub his back and whisper to him that's it's okay and he'll get through this like always.
His breathing starts to regulate and he pulls away to look at me.

"I'm so sorry that I did that and I'm even more sorry that you had to see. I can't take the arguments over this anymore. I love you so much and the thought of our manager hating us because of that is heart breaking"

I nod and kiss his cheek and hug him again.

"Don't be sorry. I understand"
He nods and actually lets out a smile.

"Can we go to your family home for the rest of the day? I think you need that" I say to rye and he agrees instantly.

We get up. He dries his eyes and we grab the backs and leave the venue. We call a taxi to his house which is about an hour away.

I text Andy.
'Hey. Don't worry ryes okay. I've just booked a taxi from here to ryes house. We will be back late tonight and we can all pack up and get out then. See you soon"

The taxi shows up and we jump in.

We finally arrive at ryes house. We pay the driver and he pulls off to go find some other person to collect.
We grab out bags and we walk to the door.
Rye walks in and his mom looks out from inside the kitchen.

"MY BABY" she says as she drops the carrot she was previously cutting up and runs to rye.
She give him a massive hug and then hugs me.

"Oh Mikey!! It's lovely to see you again"
She pulls back, smiling so much and then realises our tired eyes, puffy faces and ryes jaw.

"Oh my god what happened?! Sit down" she lead us to the sitting room And we lie on the couch and I sit a bit away from rye.

His mom sits across from us wanting to be filled in on what happened.

Rye looks from me to his mom.

"I got punched"

He eyes widen and she looks confused.

"B-by who?! One of your friends? A fan? A stranger?!" She stands up and hustles her way over and tilts ryes head.

"Mom, it's fine just don't touch it. No, forget it I'm fine"

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now