Sleep Walking

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"Sleep walking?" Jose asked. "That's how I get here?"

" Well, I thought you were drunk or something. You fell on my doorstep," Megan answered.

An awkward silence. And them..

"Well, you were moaning. Are you ok?"

Jose was not okay. He was sitting across Megan, his childhood friend who lives across his house. His dreams left him trembling and out of breath. Up until that every moment, amidst the bright lights of Megan's dining room, the fear never left Jose.

"No! I'm not okay. I don't know what's happening."

"Well, tell me about your dream. Maybe we'll find something there".

So he did.

"Well sounds like a Succubus to me," Megan explained.

"A what?" Jose, being not the superstitious one, asked.

"It's a kind of demon. Ever heard Incubus?"

"The band?"

"How can you crack a joke while having this problems? They're demons," Megan stood up and took a big black book from the shelf. She opened it and showed it to Jose. Images of naked demons and sleeping humans decorated the page of incomprehensive writing.

"Why do you have this?" Jose asked.

"Hobby," Megan continued to explain. "You see, Incubus and Succubus are one and the same. They shape shift and go into people's dream to have sex with them. They mate with people to give birth of a Cambion, a half-demon, half-human."

"I don't get it," Jose honestly commented. Half of him believed and the other half was still confused. 'cuz, if it had been a demon, why did it keep saying "Love Me'? Love doesn't sound like a demon to me."

"Well you have a point. But, you know, demon aside, dreams are symbolic. I know you Jose. I know how you treat girls. Maybe it's time to...stop. To change."

"So....what? Karma?"

"I don't know. All I know, it's time you 'love' somebody. I mean really love with commitment and sincerity."

Jose felt the hair on his nape stand. The fear from the dream hadn't settled down. It got worse. As to why, Jose didn't know.

"Whoa, whoa, stop right there. Is this gonna be a sermon, Megan? And what? Like who? You? This is stupid. You got a good story but it's not helping, Megan"

"I..... uhh.... I was just trying to help," Megan held up her defences. She felt stupid and worthless. She held her head down.

Jose hesitated, and then "I'm sorry. I was just upset. I think I'll go home now. Thanks Meagan."

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