chapter 1: a brother talk

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"Keith I need to talk to you!" Shiro said from behind keith's bedroom door.
"OK, come in Shiro" replied Keith from inside his room. Keith knew that when Shiro was thinking or worried about something he goes to the one person he can trust- his brother and keith did the same if something was worring him. "I need to tell you something because you're the only one I can trust with you being my brother and everything" Shiro said as he walked into keith's room.
"Is something worring you?" Keith asked concerned about his older brother.
Shiro replied "I want to tell the others I'm Galra and your brother because I feel bad for keeping this secret from them but I'm worried that they won't trust me anymore!"
"Shiro, calm down. Remember how Allura reacted when she found out I'm Galra? She came to accept me for who I am and she'll accept you for who you are as well, trust me" Keith said to his older brother and Shiro replied " Keith I don't want Allura to react like she did when she found out you are Galra, do you think she'll react the same when I tell the others I'm Galra and your brother? " At this point Lance walked past Keith's room and heard what Shiro said and ran off to tell the others who were in the control room.

Sorry for the sort chapter. This is my first time publishing a book. I published this once but it did this chapter twice do I'm doing it again. Hope you all enjoy please comment and vote. Check out 15syousaf because she's a great friend of mine. Thanx. Have a great day/night whenever your reading this.

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