Chapter 3 - an encounter with galra central command

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"Paladins to your lions, NOW!" Allura yelled. The paladins suited up and went to their lions. When all the lions were out Allura activated the particle barrier and the paladins formed voltron.

10 minutes later

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10 minutes later...
The galra central command hadn't attacked and so then started to attack.

5 minutes later

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5 minutes later...
After 5 minutes of voltron attacking the central command and the galra firing the ion cannons the galra finally retreated. "Prepare to wormhole jump!" Allura's voice said when the paladins returned to the control room. After the castle of lions exited the wormhole they ended up in a random galaxy with only warm planets. Allura flew the castle-ship to the nearest planet where they would stay until the galra find them which would be a while as they where 5 galaxies away from the galra.
~The next day~
At 6:30 Shiro's phone woke him up. It was his alarm. Shiro, like everyday, got into his paladin amour and trained for an hour in his room. At 7:30 Shiro went to check on keith and after shiro did that he went back to his room, took a shower and got changed. Just a Shiro was putting on his boots keith came in the room with a hurt expression on his face. "Keith, are you alright?" Shiro asked concerned about his brother.
"No, I just woke up to take a shower and I saw this" and when keith said that he lifted the side of his shirt up and shiro saw a cut on keith's side. "How did you get that?" Shiro asked and keith replied with a shrug. "Well need to show this to Allura, NOW!" Shiro said and keith and shiro walked to the control room where Allura and Coran were looking at the red lion. "Why are you looking at Red Allura?" Keith asked and Allura and Coran turned around to look at the red and black paladins. Coran said "yesterday when you were attacking the mothership one of the ion cannons only just managed to scratch the red li-". Coran was cut off as he saw a blood stain on keith's shirt.
"Keith, did you get that yesterday when red was hit?" Allura asked
"I don't know, I just woke up and saw the cut on my side" Keith replied
"It looks a little deep, let's get you into a healing pod" Allura said to the red paladin.
~Time skip~
It's been two minutes since keith has been in the healing pod and everyone was getting worried for him. "With keith's injuries being really bad he has to be in the healing pod until tomorrow" Allura said
"Until keith's out we'll take it in turns watching him" Shiro said
"I'll take the morning" Hunk said volunteringly
"OK, lance take the afternoon, pidge take late afternoon and I'll take the night" Shiro said.
~Skip to late afternoon~
"Hi lance, how's keith doing?" Pidge asked walking into the med bay.
"Oh, hi pidge, keith's doing fine. I mean he's getting better if you know what I mean" lance said before walking out the door. "Pidge, look after the mullet" lance said before heading to his room. Pidge started to think how lucky keith was to have his older brother with him and started to think if her dad and brother were ok or even still alive. Pidge continued to think to herself whilst looking after keith until shiro walked into the door and said "pidge are you ok?"
"Yeah just thinking"
"I know you miss them but i promise we will find them"
"Thanks shiro" pidge said
"Any time pidge, now get some sleep" Shiro said as pidge left the room "we don't know what time keith will be out tomorrow"
"Night shiro" pidge said
"Night pidge" Shiro said as pidge headed to her room.
"I hope you're better soon bud" Shiro said as he walked over to keith's pod. Shiro got tired at around midnight as he wore himself out worring about his younger brother and so he fell asleep near keith's pod.
~The next day~
Hunk walked into the med bay to swap places with shiro and saw that shiro was asleep on the floor. Just then hunk saw keith's pod open and rushed to catch his teammate before he hit the floor. Keith opened his eyes after hunk had caught him. "Feeling any better keith?" Hunk asked
"Yeah, thanks hunk" Keith replied
"Let's leave shiro to sleep and get you something to eat" Hunk said
"Before we get something to eat, can you put shiro in his bed while I go to get dressed" keith said to the yellow paladin
"OK keith" Hunk said helping shiro to his room and watching keith go into his room.
* in keith's room*
As keith was putting his shirt on his shirt on he saw a scar that had formed when he was in the healing pod. "Well it's better than a cut" Keith said to himself. When keith left his room, deciding to leave his jacket off, he saw hunk come out of shiro's room.
"Lets go get something to eat and then me and pidge can work on fixing on red" Hunk said as he caught up with the older paladin.
~In the kitchen~
"How much longer 'til mullet comes out the pod?" Lance asked pidge for the twentieth time.
"Lance for who knows what how many times you've asked, I told you, keith was badly hurt so I don't know!" Pidge said clearly getting annoyed with lance.
"Hey guys" Keith said walking in and sitting down at the table.
"I see you're feeling better keith" Allura said walking into the kitchen
"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better" Keith replied
"Come on pidge, let's go and fix red" Hunk said
"Yeah, I've already put the stuff we need to fix her in the hanger" pidge replied following her fellow paladin out the kitchen.
"Where's shiro?" Lance asked confused that shiro wasn't in the room yet.
"Oh, Hunk put shiro in his cause shiro was asleep when I came out the pod this morning" Keith said answering lance's question.
              *5 minutes later*
"Finally you're awake shiro" Keith said looking at his older brother.
"Yeah, hey keith how's your wound?" Shiro asked
"Fine, there's a scar in its place" Keith replied
"Well at least you're better" Shiro replied
"Shiro hurry up and get something to eat then meet me in the control room" Allura said leaving the kitchen.
          ~In the control room~
"Allura, Red's fixed" pidge said carring some of the stuff used to fix the lion and hunk walked in a few seconds after with the rest of the stuff. "That's great news pidge" Allura said. Just then shiro walked in and Allura said "Shiro can you get keith and lance and tell them to meet the rest of us in the training room in a few vargas?"
"Sure thing princess" Shiro said and left to tell keith and lance.

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