Rectify: Manmarziyan ch~17

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               Dedicated to imastupididyut

Dinesh: "You are beautiful, you will be my sex slave."

Riddhima: "Dream on its never going to happen."

Suddenly Dinesh sees a light reflecting on Riddhima necklace. He takes her necklace off.

Dinesh: "What is this? "

Riddhima: "It's device given by my sister to locate where I'm at, my sister and her friends are coming to save me. "

Dinesh POV

This Radhika is a very dangerous woman, smart thing to do is run, to bad I didn't get to have fun with Riddhima.

For Dinesh it was to late to run. Radhika was pointing the gun straight to Dinesh.

Radhika: "Where do you think your going you creep, Arjun go untie di I'll watch him until the police come. "

Arjun unties Riddhima, while the police, Neil and Sam come. Saral wokeup being handcuff with Dinesh behind him. Riddhima slapped Saral and Dinesh and said...

Riddhima: "I am ashamed that you are my brother-in-law, thank god Radhika didn't marry you, and you Dinesh Mishra I curse you that something bad happens to you, you never think about those innocent girls who you have deprived there innocence giving them pain after pain for the rest of there life, I curse you that you live in pain, you will be begging for death. "

Dinesh starts laughing.

Dinesh: "That day will never come, I have power and money, I'll be out of this jail as soon as possible, you wait and watch, I'm coming after you."

Radhika slaps Dinesh.

Radhika: "I won't let you lay a hand on my sister, you'll face me first and I promise you will suffer, now take these creeps away. "

Radhika gives Riddhima a hug.

Radhika: "Are you okay di, he didn't harm you in anyway."

Riddhima: "You came just in time. "

Sam: "Riddhima di I am so glad you are safe, Dilip uncle was so worried about you, but glad I could give him the good news that you are safe, Mala auntie doesn't know that you were kidnapped, we didn't tell her because of her health. "

Riddhima: "I will go see them tomorrow, Arjun and Radhika if it's okay, I can sleepover at your house. "

Arjun: "Di you don't need to ask, you can sleep whenever you want, it is your home to."

Next scene at Ardhika home.

When Arjun was asleep Radhika made a phone call.

Radhika: "Hi this is Radhika, you always wanted revenge on Dinesh well you can take your revenge, he is in jail. "

Mystery girl: "Thank you Radhika, I will get the other girls to hit him where he will not hurt any innocent girls again. "

Next scene at Central jail

Police: "Dinesh, you can go home."

Saral: "Hey, what about me."

Police: "There’s no bail paper signed for you it was only for Dinesh. "

Dinesh: "Don't worry buddy I'll talk to Shanti Devi, she'll get you release tomorrow. "

What Dinesh didn't know, it was the rectifier who got Dinesh released to take revenge on him.

Mystery girl: "Hello Dinesh, you are to go with me, Shanti Devi wants to see you. "

Dinesh without thinking he gets in the car, someone with chlorine cloth puts on Dinesh's mouth and he gets unconscious.

When he wokeup he was tied up standing up naked. There were a lot of girls with sticks rocks and sledge hammer, all these girls were the victims and now they were here for revenge. Riddhima curse for him was going to come true, he was going to feel the pain of his life..

Next scene Niki and Radhika meeting.

It was time to meet Niki, Teji came to pick up Radhika, Arjun wanted to come but he had to take Riddhima di to the hospital. So Teji took Radhika to his house for Radhika to see Niki.

Niki: "Welcome Radhika, I'm been waiting for you. "

Radhika: "You want to see me I'm here, and I know that you know that Shanti Devi was my sister in my previous birth. "

Niki is shocked.

Niki: "How do you know this?"

Radhika: "One thing you should know about me, if I want my truth to be revealed, I decided when I want my truth to be revealed, and I want you to know my truth because we both have the same enemy."

Niki: "That's why I want you, Arjun, Neil and Sam to join hands to defeat Shanti Devi and Suraj. One thing I need to know when are you going to tell your husband and your friends that your the rectifier."

Arjun: "What did you say about my wife? "

Arjun had ask Neil and Sam to take Riddhima di to the hospital, so that he could follow his wife.

Radhika: "This is the truth I wanted to tell you Arjun, I'm the rectifier."

Arjun was shocked, suddenly he gets a phone call from Sam.

Sam: "Arjun someone tamper the brakes, please come fast and save us...

Precap: A mask man trys to save Neil, Sam and Riddhima,  Shanti Devi comes close in seeing Arjun and Radhika.

Surprise double chp updated, I hope you all enjoyed reading it..

Please do check out imastupididyut books they are really good.

I would love to here from you, read, vote and comment, it means alot, love you all, bye now..

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