.Wanna go?

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Chapter 5

Sky's pov:

Pewds just left my room and I'm still unpacking. I hear another person walk into the room.

"Who can it possibly be now?" I say turning around. Shit. It was him

"Um Johnathan?" he say's with those eye's of his


"Haha. Well I like what you did to our room." He said

"Our room? Oh fuck."

"Haha yeah. So...I was wondering that since were roomies...that we should go out to eat...so you hungry?" He asks

"Um no thank you...probably bring girls there all the time." I mumble.

"Nope. Actually you would be the first to go there with me"

"Yeah well I guess I could eat right now...that plane food was shit."

"Is that a yes?"

"Fine...let's go" I tell him. He escorts me to the car and it's a nice black lamborgini. I sat in the passengers side and he rushed to the driver's side.

He sat down, closed the door and put his hand on the stick gear. He put the keys in the ignition and turned it. He then put his hand on the stick gear turnd it to four.

"Get ready for the time of your life babe" he zooms out the driveway . It feels as if we're doing 85

"The only thing that can make this better is 98.5."I tell him. He then turns on the radio and the song is 'Happy' by pharrel williams. Then me and him start singing to it.

after the ride

Me and Johnathan just arrived at a fast food place. I thought he was gonna take me to a buffet or something but this is better.

"So what do you wanna eat sky?" He asks

"Um a number fourteen extra pickle please." I say to him

"Number fourteen extra pickles please." He says to the cashier

"Okay here's your change." She say's. Then we go sit down.

"So sky...tell me a little bit about yourself." He asks

"Once you tell me about yourself." I tell him

"Okay what do you want to know?" He said

"Everything...your life story...well only what you're comfortable telling." I tell him

"Um okay...well you know my name...um I can't go five minutes without checking my phone...my friends are basically my life...and well of course you've noticed my earbuds...and well you were right I am or was a player." He told me

"Was? I think you still are." I tell him

"Not anymore . This player had his heart played. So he stopped."

" Oh really?." I tell him

"Yeah. I got a taste of my own medicine I guess." He told me

"Wow...So now tell me your life story...got any brothers or sisters?" I ask

"Just one sister...you?" He asks

"Um i'm an only child." I tell him

"Well you lucky son of a bitch!" He said

"Actually no I'm not...it's boring since it's just me and my mom." I tell him

"Oh I'm sorry...um what happened to your dad?" he asks

"He's not dead but he left me and my mom. It never really bugged me. But....I mean he is my father technically. It would be nice to talk to him."

"Your better off without him okay?"

"I know." I whisper

after eating

"God that was some delicious food thanks dude." I tell johnathan

"You're welcome but I could still eat."

"Geez man, You ate like three big-macs" I told him laughing

"I know but I could still eat." He says

"You know what...I actually had a good time with you" I tell him astonished

"Really...damn then I am really rubbing off on you huh?"

"Yeah...I guess so."

"Okay so shall we go back home?"

"Yeah let's go."

We walk out the store and he opens it up for me.

"Why thank you kind sir." I tell him

"Your welcome mrs." He tells me. I just laugh. He escorts me to the car and opens it for me. We get in the car and drives off.

When they arrive home

I walk in and me and johnathan walk to the room.

"Hey why did pewds put us in the same room?" I asks

"I don't know...maybe because this isn't my room" He tells me with a smirk

"You jackass! You let me believe that you and me shared a room!" I say hitting him

"I'm sorry okay.....haha but your really roomates with Ella. I sleep in the room next door." He tells me

"Okay jerk....well I got to get some beauty sleep even though it hasn't been working." I tell him laughing

"It works...the beauty sleep." He tells me with a smile

"Goodnight" He tells me then leaves. Wow...I actually had a good time...wierd.

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