Chapter 10

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(Phil's POV)

We arrived to the party about half an hour late. Perfect. We walked into the room already filled with drunk dancing teens excpt on boy in the corner who had a drink it his hands but didn't seem to be drinking it. He was kind cute. I saw Zoey, The host of the party gathering people who weren't to wasted in a circles the boy being one of them. Me and Chris grabbed a drink and I went to join them as he went of somewhere to mingle. I sat down across from the boy in the uneven circle we were all in. There was a bottle in the middle so I assumed spin the bottle. "O-Ok so we're all g-going tooo play truth or dare with th-the bottle." Zoe slurred, drunk. "PHIL! You go first have a spinnn!" She said loudly. I nodded leaning forward and spinning the bottle it landed on the cute boy from earlier. "ok Dan, truth or dare?" She asked. The boy who I'm assuming was Dan looked up. "uhh...Truth?" He said hesitantly. "ok Phil what's h-hiss truth?" Zoe said. " umm... your biggest secret?" Phil said looking to learn more about the boy. Dan thought for a minute before answering... in french kinda. "my biggest secret is...J'aime Phil Lester mais il ne m'aimera jamais parce que je suis transsexuel ftm." He said. A sitting next to him furrowed her brows in confusion. "ooooook I don't knowww what that means but Dan spin the bottle now!" I looked up at him as he spun. I'm guessing he thought no one would know what he said but what he didn't know was I sit right behind him in french class. He just said his biggest secret, thinking know one would find out, but i knew.

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