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"What?!" Lana yelled, her staff jumping in surprise at the volume of her voice, and her secretary nervously murmured. "The government wants to pull this place down Professor..."
"They can't," Lana scoffed. "I have full approval to have this place up!"
"You did have to twist a few arms," one of the staff told her.

Lana glared at the man who fell silent, and she placed her hands on the table. "I talked to them, Jason, I didn't even lay a finger on them, do you understand?"
"Yes Professor," he murmured falling silent.

Lana sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "What was the reason?"
"To much power in one building," the Neurosurgeon, Jessica Lawson told her simply.
Lana frowned and murmured. "Of course," she rubbed her forehead, a instant headache coming to her.
"What do you want to do?" Robert Barnes, the Psychologist asked calmly.

Lana sighed softly. "I don't know Rob... I need to think."
The steady and dreadfully calm Psychologist nodded and stood up. "Very well, come on everyone," he murmured. "Leave her alone for a while."
"But Doctor Bar-" the secretary began.
"I understand you have concerns ma'am," he began in his calm voice. "But as you can see, Professor Kosicki is stressed."
The secretary fell silent nodded. "Oh... of course."

Then to everyone but Lana's surprise, Robert led the usually stiff secretary out, and they all followed Robert while Lana walked out to the garden, sighing heavily as she considered what was going to happen, and what action she would take...

You came to visit Lana that evening as planned at the hospital, and the secretary pointed you towards the garden.


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