Before You Read...

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Thank you for deciding to read this book. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I (will) enjoy writing it.

The book is inspired by the song Paris by the Chainsmokers. Even if I do not usually listen to the genre their songs specifically fit in to, Paris just hits me right in the soul.

A sentimental yearning for somewhere one always wanted to go ever since he/she was young, for someone he/she wants to be with. For a life we always wanted to live.

That's Paris.

I hope this gives the shivers. The good kind.

Warning: There will be swearing and mentions of sex. This is PG 15 but if you are below that age, I cannot stop you from reading. You got free will. But do not take any of the character's actions as an example. Thanks.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, my attempt of a fanfiction.

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